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How Long For Rpl?


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Hi folks


I'll be heading out to Alberta in the spring (end of March) to work (non-aviation) and I'd like to go for my RPL out there rather than wait until I'm back in Ontario in the fall. My question is...will I be able to to complete it out there before I come back..usually the 1st of Oct. I'm talking in terms of time...Generally I work 5 on 2 off and of course the long days help for the VFR. Booking flight time is not a problem...I don't have to pay rent or meals out there so I can turn that into "flight time" plus there's not a whole lot to do on my off time. So what would be the time involved from start to finish of the RPL?





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By RPL, I take it you mean the Recreational Pilot Permit - Aeroplane (RPP); right?


Advising how long it will take to complete any flying qualification is fraught with difficulty, since there are many factors to consider (aptitude, motivation and availability of both student and instructor; aircraft availability; and weather).


However, assuming that you manage two lessons or practice sessions a week; do some reading / preparation / review between lessons; and have a decent instructor, I would imagine that you won't have any problem qualifying for an RPP by the end of of the summer. No ground school is required, but you will have to do some self-study in order to pass the written examination.


I hope this helps! :)

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You're welcome!


Over the winter, you can prepare for your training by reading books. There are a lot of good ones out there, and many are available free of charge at the library.


I have often observed that all too many students (and instructors) have very narrow knowledge of aviation, since they only learn what they are taught at flying school and do no outside reading. I feel sorry for those people.


Assuming that you're just starting out, I would recommend the following books:


(1) Chris Hobbs, Learning to Fly in Canada (Detselig Enterprises, 2000) [available at any Chapters store];

(2) Peter Garrison, Flying Airplanes: The First Hundred Hours (1980) [look for it in the library, or buy a secondhand copy];

(3) Wolfgang Langewiesche, Stick and Rudder (1944) [still in print, and readily available];


(1) is sort of a primer. It's a bit basic, but contains some 'tribal lore' that you may find useful.


(2) and (3) are classics, by authors who really know whereof they speak. They are books that you will want to refer to again and again, long after you've obtained your permit.


Two other books that would also be useful, but are not worth searching out specially, are David Frazier, The ABCs of Safe Flying, 4th ed. (1999), and Gay Dalby Maher, The Joy of Learning to Fly (1978).


Finally, a well-written non-technical book that you would enjoy reading and would encourage you in your decision to pursue / stick with flight training is Diane Ackerman's On Extended Wings (1987) [look for it in the library, or buy a secondhand copy]. Highly recommended!


I could go on, but these should get you started.


Swingline :)

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