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Fatique Risk Management


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Just a heads up for all you AME's out there, especially D.O.M.s. If you haven't seen it yet, Transport Canada has issued a notice of proposed amendement called FATIGUE RISK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. If you haven't read it yet, I strongly suggest you do and fast because they're proposing some pretty serious changes to C.A.R.S.

They say that there is a need for A.M.O.'s to prevent maintenance personnel from working while fatigued. Although there intentions are in the right place, the method they are using to achieve their goal is definitely questionable.

If my interpretation of this proposal is correct, than each AMO will have to "implement a fatigue management system that is tailored to their own particular circumstances". This "system" will have to give the AMO's the ability to recognize when their AME's are fatigued and prevent them from either working at all while fatigued or prevent them from working on critical tasks.


How are the AMO's supposed to know when the AME's are tired unless the AME himself/herself comes right out and says "I'm tired, I can't work any more"

Each employee is different when it comes to stamina, physical and mental endurance, stress levels etc. Does that mean the AMO's have to draw a specific schedule for each employee?

How can we prevent helicopter AME's from working while fatigued when most of them will be working late evenings and nights during the summer months?

Some better planning of scheduled maintenance would certainly help but what happens when the helicopter breaks down late afternoon and has to be serviceable by 8:00 am the next morning? The responsible thing to do on any AME's part would be to accept the fact that he/she is too tired to keep working and go get some rest, regardless of the status of the A/C. However, how many AME's do you know would actually take the risk of being labelled "lazy" and actually go home before the A/C is serviceable?


Transport Canada definitely has a point in being concerned about AME's work load during the peak of the season but is regulating how and when we work the best solution?????????????

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Wow :


CD thanks for posting all that, however I fell asleep part way through reading it. :mellow:


Why not have the industry pattern their " work " schedule and stress related concerns after the TC M&M' employee criteria?


That would give everyone a " level working field " so to speak.... :up:


Boy oh boy, I think I just slipped back into a bad attitude syndrome again.. :wacko:


Oh well I had my day in the industry when men were men and the girls were happy....


Rev C. W.

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CD, I've sent you an e-mail with regards to this.


Well said ####.


For all other AME's, I've asked TC to include HEPAC as a represenative along with the editor of Vortex Magazine to be present at the next meeting to be held in Ottawa March 9,10 2004.


My concerns are field operations where the governing factors are the customer requirements (i.e. work load) and the two individuals that have to work as a team, sometimes for month's on end.


Giving human factors training to these individuals seperately is not condusive to a sound operation overall, but concerns only the individuals part of the operation.


Whoever is going on the field operation as part of a team representing the company they work for, should be given HUMAN FACTORS TRAINING on how to deal with the customer requirements and individual traits of these requirements. Companie's internal policy should not be discussed, unless it affects safety. The companies OPS and M&M should be sufficient answer to any customer questions regarding operations.


The spokes person for the company should be the pilot as he is the one that has to justify the billing for the flying time.


The engineer/pilot should not discuss his company issue's with anybody except his fellow workers, no matter how well you know the customer.


Anymore comments, feel free.


Cheers, Don

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Ohhhhhh Maggyseal :lol: Ya got me laughing !!! I get this Flip Wilson skit (Geraldine & Killer) flashback where he says "the devil made him do it", laughing still .... :lol::lol::lol:


And Elvis, you leave my good book out of this !!!! :lol::lol::lol:


On a more serious note, I agree whole heartedly with both you and Blackmac and look forward in getting them big wheels burning.

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