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212 Afcs/scas Ifr Requirement ?


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Guest Bullet Remington
I would like to know if anyone can tell me if a Bell 212 has a inoperative AFCS/SCAS is it still approved for IFR ? A lot of gray area on this one ( MEL and FM )



For single driver IFR or Dual?

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Look here: BHT-212-IFR-FM-1 Para 1-5-A, Operational AFCS required for IFR. Cheers.






I guess because it is an IFR FM that it is stating that all listed equipment needs to be serviceable..


Check out. BHT - 212 - FMS - Sect-1 1-3 this is where the confusion comes in for me..


The MEL states that it can be dispatched without 0 equipment. But is that VFR or IFR..


Is there anywhere else that might list the required equipment for an IFR 212..

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I guess because it is an IFR FM that it is stating that all listed equipment needs to be serviceable..


Check out. BHT - 212 - FMS - Sect-1 1-3 this is where the confusion comes in for me..


The MEL states that it can be dispatched without 0 equipment. But is that VFR or IFR..


Is there anywhere else that might list the required equipment for an IFR 212..



My IFR is a bit rusty, but you are on this site asking questions that can only be answered by your own approved OPS manual and MEL for that aircraft. If those documents do not give you a clear answer you have a problem that can only be rectified by TCCA.


Have fun, Don


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