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Whew!! I just got off my first surf over at justhelicopters forums. I don't know how much of what those guys post is tongue in cheek, but it sounds like some guys are getting ready to go postal over there. :blink:


We got her pretty good over here. Yeh, there are some heated exchanges, a couple of us even post some doom and gloom kind of stuff, but at the end of the day:


- sun's gonna rise tomorrow

- will hit some crappy job's this summer, but will have some good ones too!

- will get to operate some decent machinery


Could end up on a big a$$ fire this year, and if some of you were to find out who bubbleboy is, I would hate to have my strong views about having a better industry prevent us from turning good beer into pi$$.


This site is definately more tolerant. Looks good on us and you Kyle. :up:


Truth is I've just noticed skullcap's prolific posting, and am feeling less than adequate. :huh:

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Maybe thats why the bambi bucket always seemed to be full flying AWAY from the BC landscape during fire season, rather then towards it... hmm....


Ah well, at least it's a retirement plan you can acctually count on. ;)



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Speaking of T's , remember the old, "There is nothing like a Bow job" one upped by " a Bowjob is nice but nothing beats a Shir-ley". Saw one that had a picture of a navajo twin on it that said"fly with Buffalo and never walk again" (apparently they were not that popular with upper management) am sure there are a million of em.



sc :up:

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