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HAC was great; Fred is a great guy with a good agenda for the association. A lot of good presentations from industry and non-industry SME. Good emphasis on safety, best practices and the changing economy. Also a good chance to see folks I lost touch with 20+ years ago.


I also got a sense that this is less competitive between operators and between OEMs than HAI tends to be; mostly a bunch of past and present colleagues working together to make the helicopter business successful in Canada. :up:


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Looks like there are changes in the works for pilot qualifications to work for the various fire agencies across the country. The qualifications will be more skills based as opposed to a minimum number of hours. This should make the junior guys happy...as long as their skills meet the standard. :P

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Looks like there are changes in the works for pilot qualifications to work for the various fire agencies across the country. The qualifications will be more skills based as opposed to a minimum number of hours.


It's true the new requirements are based on COMPETENCY also heard of some indication that a few major oilfeild players are also considering this. This will be based on the type of operation IE: Longlining or Passenger transport or patrols, the risk involved determines the competency required.


Good News for the lower time guys, But I heard there will still be some yet to be announced Minimum # of hours IE: 250, or 500 but still better than 2000



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I agree, HAC was a great time - and not just because of its proximity to the Yale this year.


Seems to be a few changes coming, for the better I think, that will help to streamline things like fire ops. Nothing will happen this year but it sounds like there may be a few new practices in place by next year.

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Too bad I left The Yale before things got really interesting! :shock:


FYI, we'll be running Gavin Miller's report on HAC as an online feature on the website (should be up tomorrow or Monday). He talks quite a bit about best practices and SMS, two big themes of the convention. You can also read about the fire fighting best practices draft and download it here. The topic generated some lively discussion at the Air Taxi meeting!





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