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Just Curious

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Guest plumber
Just curious, how many WORKING helicopter pilots do you think there are in Canada right now? I have seen the TC stats regarding pilots with current medicals, but how many do you think are working, I would guesstimate around 600ish, what do you think?


I love how you throw the word work around so losely, this isn't work. :lol:

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I love how you throw the word work around so losely, this isn't work. :lol:

If there are 1500 commercial helicopters in Canada there there should be at least 1700 pilots working, given the BC situation and taking into account the slackness everywhere else.

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1500 commercial helicopters in Canada seems high. I don't actually have any data to back that up but it seems higher than I would have guessed. I would have thought the numbers would be somewhere closer to 750 commercial machines. Maybe (probably) I am out to lunch.



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there are 1580 registered helicopters in Canada , not sure how you define "commercial" .

What is the Canadian equivalent to US Part 135 operations ? is this what you mean by commercial.It wold be interesting tio see how the pie is cut up between training , parapublic , private use and utility.


this link gives different figures



A total of 2502 helicopters with 1690 commercial.


sorry try this and select statistics , current by type.



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It seems like there have been around 1500 commercial helicopters in the country for at least 30 years, or at least that is the way I remember it. There has been increase in fleet capacity but the same number of pilots has been needed to fly them.

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It seems like there have been around 1500 commercial helicopters in the country for at least 30 years, or at least that is the way I remember it. There has been increase in fleet capacity but the same number of pilots has been needed to fly them.


That's my understanding as well. What has changed is the composition of the fleet, with fewer lights and more intermediates for example.

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reg purp range manf Grand Total


heavy Aero 6

Boei 4

Kamo 2

Siko 23

heavy Total 35

light Aero 221

Agus 5

Bell 632

Boei 1

Enst 7

Euro 229

Fair 1

Hill 23

Hugh 90

Kama 1


Robi 209

Schw 23

light Total 1457

med Aero 3

Agus 3

Bell 167

Boei 1

Euro 2

exp 1

Kama 1


Siko 38

med Total 220

toy Robi 2

toy Total 2

Commercial Total 1714


As there were no aerospatiale 30 years ago , which fleet has declined most in that time.


Pivot tabel from current CCARS database downloaded this morning.


Not sure at which weight lights become meds but I think I am about right,






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