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Pay Back Time

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I was just thinking about all the increases we have all sufferd over the years since the implemation of Nav Canada.Higher user fees,higher landing fees,higher counter fees and everthing else you can think of.Just maybe the little guy and girl can do something about it.The next time Im asked for a PIREP from the local agency,I will give it to them after they have given me thier credit card number and expiery date.At twenty bucks a pop it would add up quite nicly.Of course I will give the PIREP to another pilot if requested or company on an undisclosed freq.So come on everybody,lets all get rich...........just a thought.

Hope all have a super weekend.


Cheers Mini............ :up:

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Proposed price list we can charge NavCan


Light chop $5

moderate turbs $7.50

Heavy turbulence $10.00

Can't read the friggen guages anymore turbs $25



ceiling somewhat above VFR (whatever that may be?) $6

Ceiling at or below 1,000' $18

Crawl like a helicopter going home Wx $100


Any TCU $20

Tornados, cyclones, twisters $35

Ice, rime, clear, or any other $50


Light winds $1

Moderate winds $4

Calm day in Canmore $10

Calm day in Pincher Ck $25

small pet warning $50

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Hey 407,


What should I charge if, due to severe turb, I can't hit the Tx switch during the flight and I manage to get her on the terra-firma, crawl into my hangar, pull the phone off of my desk and onto the floor cause I'm too weak to stand, manage to hit the speed-dial for the Kamloops FSS, and mumble something about "... bumpy, bumpy, bumpy, oh sweet Jesus that was bumpy... "? Not that I've ever experienced such a situation, but I have thought about putting tip weights in my wind sock so that it only registers wind above 20 kt! :D

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