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And The Winner Is.......


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Funny thing, I was just talking to a friend at ASRD, and trust me there are some people there at SRD that are not happy with how the higher ups who did these contracts.

Apparently the operator has to supply their own power for the helicopter, even if its parked at an SRD base or facility. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Maybe someone can run down to that red and gold B3 and see if you can rent them a generator for $944/hr.

How does it work with your duty day if you have to keep refueling a generator all night??????

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The problem with people is they have way too much time on their hand's. Did anyone ever think that yes the contractor in question did have permission from the owner of the hanger to plug in? By the way the local operator does not own the hanger in question, a construction company does.

The contractor does have permission to plug in.

The contractor in question also has done very well for himself over the last 15 years, I really do admire him, he has taking many contracts in our own back yard, but so what, he is not the only one. The bottom line is bid what you can live with and don't cry when someone else spanks you.





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Did anyone ever think that yes the contractor in question did have permission from the owner of the hanger to plug in? By the way the local operator does not own the hanger in question, a construction company does.




Buddy...read the post...that BS outfit DOES NOT HAVE PERMISSION TO PLUG IN and nor will they get it!, YES the propertey is owned by a construction company but LEASED to the local operator, therefore REQUIRING permission from the local operator. THESE are the facts.


Don't expect any support from anybody for that low ball BS!



Now move it! comprenday?

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Guest plumber
I am sure GK is having a good laugh at the whole thing as he is sitting on his own 100ft yacht in the Bahamas.


Good for him maybe he should stick too oil and gas or drugs ( helicopter ind. is good for laundering) then cause I'm sure he couldn't buy wax for that yacht in how he bids helicopters.



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Funny thing, I was just talking to a friend at ASRD, and trust me there are some people there at SRD that are not happy with how the higher ups who did these contracts.

Apparently the operator has to supply their own power for the helicopter, even if its parked at an SRD base or facility. Correct me if I'm wrong.

Maybe someone can run down to that red and gold B3 and see if you can rent them a generator for $944/hr.

How does it work with your duty day if you have to keep refueling a generator all night??????



Is this the same red and gold B3 that had a pilot sleeping in it in Dease Lake this summer looking for spec fire work? I heard he got paid enough to eat or find lodgings, his choice. What I don't understand is why he chose Dease Lake to look for spec work. Shoulda taken the B3 to Kelowna, parked on the beach, and given rides all day long to big breasted tourists for any offer that may come along, taken all he could get, then left the thing where it last landed, gathered up some respect and moved along to somewhere decent.

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sounds alot like 18 speed is a gk groupie , maybe even an employee , so it really dont matter much either way , bottom line is asrd posts what they will pay for a/c and $944 is less than 1/2 of what it should be going out the door at . also I would love to see enforcement match log books for pilots and a/c and flight report /invoices to customers , I bet nothing matches , and I bet if nav canada tower reports for his a/c flighing around in and out of airports dont match the entries in the log books either , amazing how a 206 or astar can magically appear , must be magic , like how the 205 in williams lake this summer had an emergency landing for fuel , then all of a sudden , everyone was grounded due to posible fuel contamination , but the 205 in question disappeared to fly away to an other district , hmmmm , kinda wants you to check the books on that a/c too . what parts got changed and when , lol , such a big industry , too bad we all know what each other does , ,,,lol ,

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Guest bag swinnger

I think it would be a better gamble as a pilot to fly a well maintained machine in Afghanistan or Iraq today, than fly any machine for a company like that here in Canada.

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