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So I heard a third hand story that Air Methods was doing some sort of demo flight with their full HEMS interior.


They took off ok at low altitude. They landed a little while later at 6000 ft.....and couldn't take off again. They had to leave some people behind to get off the ground.


Anyone heard something similar?


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So I heard a third hand story that Air Methods was doing some sort of demo flight with their full HEMS interior.


They took off ok at low altitude. They landed a little while later at 6000 ft.....and couldn't take off again. They had to leave some people behind to get off the ground.


Anyone heard something similar?


Could be why Air Methods cancel their plans to order 2 dozen. :o


"The handover was a bittersweet milestone for Bell as launch customer Air Methods cancelled plans to purchase more than two dozen additional 429s, citing useful load issues in its decision to switch to Eurocopter models, including EC130s."

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Based on the hate mail I've been getting, apparently I need to clarify that in no way am I claim this story to be the gospel truth. As i said, it was a third hand account of a story. I was merely asking to see if anyone else had heard the same story. And if someone has a more factual version, then by all means, step up.


The one fact that I do have straight is the Air Methods ain't happy with the 429.

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