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Turbine Training Question


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Hey all, I have a question about turbine training for a project I'm doing for one of my Masters classes. We are supposed to develop a realistic business plan for an FBO with an attached flight school. I am the only person in my department that loves helicopters, so I wanted to establish a helicopter training school.


Anyway, I'm trying to decide what a good solid turbine trainer is for conversion training, that could easily be used to also possibly train in long line / sling load / external load / night / and night vision types of training. I've been reviewing variable and fixed costs for operations, and it seems that Bell 206s are the cheapest to operate, but I was just wondering if there were any alternatives, like A Stars or something along the same class.


Granted this is hypothetical, I'm atempting to make a feasible business model. Any and all help would be most welcomed.


* I'm also going to look at this information for when I select a school for my turbine training.


- Blue Raider

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if it ain't broke....the 206 is the way to go...most entry level jobs, easy to maintain, ready supply of parts, well established DOC's, great for emergency training....the list goes on and on.


IMO the most intriguing case study would be to try to offer turbine training with an LR.....try to keep costs down for students, and better chance of working it on charter vs a jetranger???


I suppose some could argue the 120 or the 66, but for me the 206 is the way to go....

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if it ain't broke....the 206 is the way to go...most entry level jobs, easy to maintain, ready supply of parts, well established DOC's, great for emergency training....the list goes on and on.


IMO the most intriguing case study would be to try to offer turbine training with an LR.....try to keep costs down for students, and better chance of working it on charter vs a jetranger???


I suppose some could argue the 120 or the 66, but for me the 206 is the way to go....



Yeah, I mean, I like the Jetrangers for the fact that they are easy to operate, cost effecient, and you can do so much with them. I was just kind of wondering if there were any alternatives. Besides that, I might want to eventually expand to charter ops, and was just trying to find the best bang for the buck.


But thanks for the input Snowedin!

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