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So? Who's Busy?

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60 days on fires as of today in 2010. (not kidding) Shaping up to be a $25000 :angry: dollar year if it keeps going this way till October!!!!

hmmmmmmmmm, i would be quite happy if i had 60 days on fire so far this year, 60 days x 4 hrs min per day = 240 hours. maybe i dont understand what your trying to say?

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6 weeks overseas 6 weeks home.

Take off - engage outo the pilot- read check list - 1 hr later read check list - disengage outo the pilot - land - read check list - do same in reverse - ect ect ect

Miss fires, exploration and drill moves ect. a lot - so much fun.

I hope everybody has a great, safe season.




I understand the boredom factor of checklists and auto pilot, but consider the 6weeks of UNINTERRUPTED time off..you will never get that moving drills and fires...overseas work takes a bit of getting use to..but in the end its the way to go..augmented with the occasional shift at home so you remember why your working overseas....the steady paycheck helps too....

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Ontario has been the hot spot until recently, even a few western operators made the trip out east too. There have been more fires to date then all of last year but it seems to have slowed a bit now. There is work out there but you have to travel to less desireable places and accept less pay than previous years. Stick it out because the only way to go from here is up!




I sure hope Ontario has more than last year, seeing as Ontario and fire didn't exist last year. Ontario and Quebec usually get a good kick off to the season. It is still early for BC, all that green is growing nice and tall right now, hopfully it kicks in a few weeks and BC is off.


Had a real good time in Revelstoke last summer, mins for over a month! oh and swimming at the gothics lodge with Christie wasn't so bad either! :up:

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Personally I would consider the fact BC isn't ablaze and reservoirs are filling up a good thing a darn good thing, regardless of fiscal reasons.


edit: dam n is a bad word hahaha



That is sac-religious! how dare you say such a thing, burn baby burn! I said that for 6 years as a BCFS firefighter and now I say it as a pilot, fire season makes the rock'in world go round!


and for the cridicts....It is a tragety when houses are lost, but not the forest!


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