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Mornin ..


with the years of experience on this forum I've been wondering whether one or the other of you came up with ingenious solution to fend off the mighty bugs (of all kinds) while sitting and waiting for your customers .. I have this vision of a reclining folding chair with a built in sun-shelter / mosquito net and hey, why not add a solar panelled cooling fan to that setup .. Now, if all of that can pack down to a reasonable size, I'm in ..


anybody got any other ideas? (I know I know .. 100% DEET .. I know .. looking for alternatives here :D )



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Guest jacdor
Mornin ..


with the years of experience on this forum I've been wondering whether one or the other of you came up with ingenious solution to fend off the mighty bugs (of all kinds) while sitting and waiting for your customers .. I have this vision of a reclining folding chair with a built in sun-shelter / mosquito net and hey, why not add a solar panelled cooling fan to that setup .. Now, if all of that can pack down to a reasonable size, I'm in ..


anybody got any other ideas? (I know I know .. 100% DEET .. I know .. looking for alternatives here :D )





No deet for me, bad for your sex life.


Bug Jacket hard to beat. The light hooded one.



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People seem to have forgotton about Avon Skin so soft, used to work pretty well with no deet, don't know if they still sell it. off skintastic has little or no deet also. Lemongrass works well as a natural reppellent. Myself, I'm a muskol man, works great(23.8% deet though).


One thing you can do, but is not recommended, is get mosquito coil holders and wear them like a necklace.


For after the bites, I find drinking copious amouts of rum takes the edge off ;)

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Bug jacket and if there's any wind avoid the downwind side of the machine or any bluilding or tent if you can. That's where the bugs are hiding. If there's no wind and you don't have a bug jacket and you're all out of deet, pray to all that is holy to make the retched bugs go away.


Hey Bif, this what you were mentioning: http://www.amazon.com/ThermaCELL-MR-G-Mosq...ref=pd_sim_ol_4


sounds good, but gets hot .. not sure good for helo's :D

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People seem to have forgotton about Avon Skin so soft, used to work pretty well with no deet, don't know if they still sell it. off skintastic has little or no deet also.


Yes Folks, they still sell it, and Yes Folks, it does work. Just don't get too close to a Randy Engineer. They love anyone who is wearing it. :D:D



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