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Favourite Planes Ever Flown?

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Hey all out there....

To all, what are some of your favourite planes youve ever flown? Geez, the extent of my logbook covers the vast array of 172, 152, Dutchess, Cherokee 140, and Piper Arrow. Not a big list, i know, but out of those id go with the Dutchess due to the fact that its the only twin retract that ive flown. I hope to get into a C-182 on floats this summer and have a feeling that will top my list. but till then, its the Dutchess.

Anyone else care to share? C''mon...dont be shy now...



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My Gawd.. So many to choose from.. It all depends on what you are trying to do.. For a general sweetheart to fly I would have to pick one of the DeHavilland products.. 2, 3, or 6... The 2 is one of the most pleasant airplanes you will ever fly under most conditions.. The 3 is a bit of a gentlemans airplane... The 6 is just generally a great airplane in the conditions it was designed for...


Of course the 2 and 3 are both a bit of a bear under gusty X-wind conditions due to their lack of aileron but with a bit of knowledge and a lot of luck you can get away with amazing things with both of them...


The worst part of the 6 is trying to ramp it in front of the friday crowd at the Beaver with a good X-wind.... Very humbling...

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Do you know they plan to rebuild the DHC-2 and 3. Yeah! Yeah! I''ve read it on Avweb news. It appears that the new project is real. They plan to build it in BC but in case it doesn''t work there they could move also in Quebec.



Here''s the link





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A friend of mine has a Lancair Legacy 2000.

It kicks cruise speed 23" at roughly 240kts... Retractable gear as well..

It could go faster however, apparently, but I didnt think Toronto Centre be pleased with a radar contact doing +250kts on an airway in low lever airspace.


My favorite!!!

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Grumman S-2 Tracker. You can comfortably fly all day at 50''. The ''Battle Break'' in that plane was pretty exciting too.


I got to fly that machine a few times before I had my licence. Spent 3 years as a radar/radio operator on it. Even a guy like me could take off and land the thing with no problems.

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If you don't mind a heli-guy intruding.  My all-time favorite a/c has to be the Hughes/MD 500.  I've flown the Cessna 150, 172,  Cutlass RG, Piper Tomahawk, 140, 160, 180, Beech Musketeer, Bell 204, 205, 206, and the 500 is my favorite.  A pilots a/c (as long as you aren't tall, or have long legs then it's uncomfortable).  It's quite stable, and you can make it do some amazing things.  It'll land in the smallest of holes, lift a decent amount, has a decent cruise (120 kts), and land on amazing off levels. Almost always put a smile on my face when I was flying it.  The 204/205 is next.  You just have to love the sound of that thing banging away !!  It's also got ton's of space, and can haul 14 friends. 




p.s. the most beautiful a/c ??  The twotter.  You might be asking why.  Well try spend 7 weeks in a drill camp, and the a/c taking you home is a twotter.  It is the most beautiful sight in the world when it's coming to take you home.  1.gifman_grilling_hamburgers.gif

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