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Helicopter Emergency Flying Techniques

Guest JetboxJockey

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Finally got around to converting a hand out I was given a few years ago into a PDF. I have used it over the years and thought that it might be of interestHelicopter Emergency Flying Techniques.pdf.


Downloaded and now part of my regular reading rotation. Thanks!!


- Darren

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Good read, thanks. I have been flying many years and never truely understood the relationship between Max Range and reducing Rotor RPM. Reducing my RPM increases my AOA and induced drag, correct? Does the lift created by the increased AOA and airspeed offset any negatives created by the increase in drag?

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A bit of advice....I doubt some of the techniques and advice described here will make any kind of official publication, recommendation, flight manual or endorsement from a manufacturer.

An underwriter may also consider this interesting reading !!




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For H60


Yes it does absolutely...sometimes simply going from 100% rrpm down to 93-95% can be the difference between making a spot and not...adding speed helps as well...you may not be in the sky as long or be as comfortable, but you will go farther


Definetely not arguing the validity of the technique...more the "why" aerodynamically. Fortunately, my job requires an annual re-current and I complete touch-down auto's (Not in an H60) every year and fool around with RPM R and A/S control.


I am sure plenty do not care about the "why," I just find the aerodynamics helpful in explaining the technique.

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Dunno if this helps:


As you increase your speed, there is less resistance to the air passing through the blades, so the angle of attack increases (because there is more upflow). This gves you more lift, so the rate of descent reduces. The reduction is largest at slow forward speeds where the ROD flow is slowed down the most. Put another way, at higher speeds, you have more parasite drag.


This allows you to travel further in the same time, and you can go further if you use the best glide speed. The correct speed is found by drawing a tangent from the origin to the curve.




Thus, the speed is always faster in an autorotation for range, with a higher rate of descent, so get used to it (you can see the extra bit in the pic). Add half the wind speed if you are battling against a headwind.

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