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Interesting Read

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Well thats interesting! What even more interesting is that the individual in question is upheld as one of the great participants of the the industry or "was". Just goes to show the very limited mentality and acceptablity of " greatness" is not based on ability but more on ones capability to bully and sway opinion based on inuendo. Morons! ( in the majority)


LMFHO :lol:



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I don't know the grievor, nor have i worked for TC, but this gives you a very clear indication of the sh*tshow you're enterring should you ever want to work there.


sure, there were mistakes made from both sides thru the whole fiasco, it's abundantly clear the paper trail was very thorough, so inevitably when you get marked for dismissal, you're screwed, unless you had a team of people documenting every move too.


I don't agree with the few that want this thread removed. censorship sucks.

Its a true to life scenario each and every one of you could encounter in your jobs, and the information learned is very valuable to everyone.

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I don't know the grievor, nor have i worked for TC, but this gives you a very clear indication of the sh*tshow you're enterring should you ever want to work there.


sure, there were mistakes made from both sides thru the whole fiasco, it's abundantly clear the paper trail was very thorough, so inevitably when you get marked for dismissal, you're screwed, unless you had a team of people documenting every move too.


I don't agree with the few that want this thread removed. censorship sucks.

Its a true to life scenario each and every one of you could encounter in your jobs, and the information learned is very valuable to everyone.



Superb Post!


BTW- Its called Karma!!! What goes around comes around! Its inevitable and unavoidable!


The line it is drawn

The curse it is cast

The slow one now

Will later be fast

As the present now

Will later be past

The order is

Rapidly fadin'

And the first one now

Will later be last

For the times they are a-changin'.- Dylan




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Some of you make me laugh.


This is a public document, open to public viewing. In case I missed something, THIS is the public. I think it's very relevant on a number levels given the ceaseless moaning and complaining that goes on here.


It is also an extremely valuable reminder that should you want to work for the gov't in any respect, you are now in the Public Domain. Something worth considering before one pulls the trigger.


I for one, am flabbergasted reading that report, as I'm sure most of you are as well.


By all means, pull the thread so we can get back to trashing the usual suspects. :down:



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