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Ops Or Chief Pilot Exams 702/703


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Hey guys. Any recent study guides or ideas on writing these exams other than the TC Study Guides? Any insight would be helpful. Thanks in advance




There are some small variances between the CP and Ops exam. Use the study guide and copy and paste the applicable regulation per point in the outline. Then study. Wrote them and passes all in 2009 so should be the same set of exams.. There are 3 of each purdy sure...


I would recommend at least a few good days of revising the material.There is no magic formula just study.


Multiple guess but like most TC exams RTQ. ( read the question)


I believe a 80% is required topass but cant remember.



The PRM exam if you have to write it and not an engineer is a bit more work.. tool calibration rules ect..


Good luck



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Like P5 says, study…

When I prepared for both exams, I created my own study manual by blending both TP 14401E and TP 14400 as many references are similar. Both exams are very similar.

Good luck, Skaf


I had the good fortune to write them all in 2011.

Get your hands on a copy of CARS Deluxe http://airregulations.com/canadian_aviation_regulations/intro.html

A great resource to study with and to use regularly going forward.

When you get your copy, you want to spend the time and figure out how the search functions work, bookmarks, highlighter - very powerful program if you learn how to use it.


Also if you're writing the PRM, a resource that literally saved my bacon is to get a copy of CARS for the AME http://www.carsfortheame.com/

A MUST have.


Here's a reward for reading this post ....... Know this one!!


"day" or "daylight" - means the time between the beginning of morning civil twilight and the end of evening civil twilight


Overall not that tough if you give yourself a chance, i.e. Study, lockdown mode for a week, book the exam - makes you stick to the date..

All the old rules apply, like careful about changing your answers, 90% of the time your 1st. answer was the correct one.


Good Luck,

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Hey guys. Any recent study guides or ideas on writing these exams other than the TC Study Guides? Any insight would be helpful. Thanks in advance





I wrote the Chief pilot exam in 2010. I found paying the bucks for the Chief pilot course quite useful at this site:




They offer many courses..... The course I used was: Chief Pilot Air Taxi - CAR 703 - Aeroplane for $75.00.


Not Helicopter specific but lots of good related questions and study material.



Remember to read the question! Weed out the two "Transport Canada" BS answers, eliminate any two answers that are similar but opposite or contradicting each other. (from my experience anyhoo)


Good Luck!



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  • 4 weeks later...

Just wrote the CP exam 2 months ago. Like all the advice here...they tell you what material they are going to test on in their study guide..get the appropriate sections, put it all in one binder and read it through over and over. 50 questions - 80% is the pass mark. When I wrote mine the computer selected 2 questions that were invalid so mine was only 48 questions.. It's really not too bad. I've heard the Op Mgr exam is the same as the CP except with 3 or 4 different questions.


I found a couple questions to be an attempt to trip you up with wording, ie.) minimum alt vs min alt over a build up area but its not worded that clearly. For the most part though...it's pretty straight forward.


good luck

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