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Okay I know that the AIP is now downloadable,and thats cool I guess.But Ive heard that in the near future it will no longer be in hard copy form, and will only be able to get it off the internet.That really pisses me off if that is true,because six of those nice little pages fit perfectly in the bottom of my bird cage.How the **** will people ckeck stuff out in the middle of nowhere if ya got no computer access. Ya I know youll be able to buy a copy of that crap at a cost of some sort,but **** Ive had free bird shite paper since about 79 or so when the free bird shite paper book started........


Im pissed and so are my birds Mini................ :down: :down: :down:

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MINI ----- since you and I are friends of the same guy, you should ask him where you can get some useful paper for your cage. He knows where there's all kinds of paper like that for birds, horses and bulls. :lol::lol: He's an expert at judging the quality of it also. :lol:

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Skidz ------I ain't that smart........it was plageurism.


Figured it had to be something like that. I mean, here I am, a professional IT geek and I can't find a friggin' Web page. And an " 'ol fart " (your words :P ) comes along and finds it. How humiliating...



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Interesting!!! TC should be interested in pilots being familiar in the content of the AIP as well as the changes which are implimented quarterly. I don't know about everybody else, but the updates that come in the mail end up being an exercise of sorts for me. It's a chance to blow the dust off of that sucker, replace some pages and take note of the changes that affect me.


So here we go, all of the info we need is posted on the internet for all to read. What is posted today may not necessarily be posted tomorow. Will there be a method of notifying pilots of changes or do we have to read it with a fine tooth comb every day and check for any differences??? Stupid, stupid, stupid!!!



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skidz -------'ol fart got that little "ditty" from visiting the local Regional "Temple" to take a bud out to lunch. He ain't even R/W...he's F/W. I'd say more, but then I'd have to kill you. :hide: So put "a hold" on that "humiliation" young 'feller. :D

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Oh great !!! remind me to get a wireless ethernet for my computer with a built in satelite uplink that way I can refer to the frigen thing from where 99% of Helicopters operate.


Just another brilliant idea brought to us from the great minds at Transport Canada. :rolleyes:


Did you know that carring the old fashioned book version is a danger to flighsafety? :wacko:


Or could it be tree hugger conspiracy........... :huh:


I say bring back the carburator, and if it ain't broke don't fix it.


Whats next? downloadable VTA maps? :huh:



Nothing surprises me anymore :wacko:



PS Mini , I feel terrible for the birds, what a bloody inconvenience! :down:

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