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Blake Erickson (And Colleagues)

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All those Pilots and engineers that came through FSJ in the NMH days or after will have benefited from Blake's knowledge, dedication, teaching ethic, thoroughness and ability to impart the required information to a herd of thickheaded, egotistical newby pilots and eager apprentices was legendary, even if he occasionally needed the Stormin' Norman patented firearm method of teaching for the hard of understanding. I am sure he continued the crusade in the 7 years since I last saw him because that was his way.

Like all the other posters here, it made the correct impression on me and it stuck. You did your job so very well Blake. Sadness here in Squamish.

Love and condolences to your family, as you can see here, he was a great man.


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Thanks for this guys...


I never knew Blake Erickson nor even knew of him (only worked with/knew Peter Bryant for a few short months many years ago - really great person and pilot...), but I can think of one or two engineers that sound like him, and these are the kinds of guys I always appreciated, respected, looked up to, and aspired to be like one day as an apprentice/young engineer. But of course, types like these are such unique and powerful individuals, that few of us can ever come close.


May he rest in peace.

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Well after all those replies, I don't really have much to say.....


I just hope that Blake's Family can see this Post....... and read all the comments from you guys,.. and see how big of an Impact he had on the people within this Industry


You will be missed Buddy.


Paul Farrugia



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I had the good pleasure of working with two of these fellows and the news hit as hard as any news has. Given enough time in this buisness we'll probably have the misfortune of losing someone, but an accident like this where some have lost three close friends is nothing but unfair. Everything said here is so true. Peter was gentle, kind and good, through and through. Isn't it amazing how you can watch some pilots manouver an aircraft for only a minute and say to yourself, "that guy is really fuc*in' good". He was.

Blake was exceptional. If there's a yardstick to measure engineers by, it ends with Blake. His work revolved around integrity and his life revolved around his family.

I can carry on having taken something good from these people. I only wish there was something to give back to their loved ones to ease the sorrow.



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