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What''s the worst? or the best??

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the motion picture thread started going off on this tangent so i figured i would start it fresh. so, what is the worst or best helicopter "pick-up" line you''ve ever heard? here''s mine:


when i was still in flight school we had an instructor who had an old leather folder with an expired helicopter license in it. he would "drop" it on the dance floor at a club and wait for the DJ to call over the sound system: "al *****, your commercial helicopter license has been turned into the DJ booth". then he would strut up there and pick it up...


man, it was embarrassing........

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I like it, it''s got style.


Personally, I prefer the tried and true head-on approach.


"Hey sweetheart, I''m a helicopter pilot. How do you like me so far?"


I wait with bated breath for the wise and all-seeing 204B Driver to share with us his years of accumulated knowledge on this particular subject.





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My favourite is:


"Hi, my name is RDM, and as soon as I''m tall enough, I''d like to...."


Actually, I never found the need for pick-up lines myself. Usually, the girls would use them on memuchlve.gif After all, they''re only human right??cool6.gif

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That pickup line works how do you think I met and married such a pertty woman and you both know her. DecuMajor you must be using that line over there and it must be working. Keep up the good work. Talk to you boys later.


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Hey 204B Dude, me got a hunch you didn''t score such a goregous gal using any helidriver pickup line, she''s way too smart for that!!!


Now I know what my problem is out here, been using those dang ski lodge pick-up lines. Trouble is, there ain''t a ski lodge within 5000 miles of here, well not a real lodge anyways.


Hmmm, time to change tactics. Any advice???

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All and say just tell them that you are a race car driver scuba diver helicopter driver all round nice guy. That should work and let your hair grow too.

Lots of Luck Amigo you will need it. Ha Ha Ha Ha.

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ok....now that i have done my laughin' and have climbed up off the floor........






women know when they are half way through the date when the pilot says: "that's enough about me, let's talk about flying"!!





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