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Bc And Alberta Forestry Rates

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Here the US Forestery Rates for 2012.


Those are just the hourly rates. The USFS also pays a day rate otherwise you will note that those prices are very low.


Interesting to note that a Bell 214B uses more fuel and costs more than a 214B1 - they are the same helicopter except for a difference in internal gross weight.

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If I could figure out how to upload an attachment I'd give you the excel spreadsheet for Alberta but I'm apparently retarded in that regard. BC uses your submitted rate (Tariff if you are smart) and Alberta uses a published rate sheet. Call this guy if you really want one.


Mathew Christie, RPFT

Rotor Wing Management Specialist


Sustainable Resource Development - Wildfire Management Branch

10th Floor, 9920-108 Street

Great West Life Building

Edmonton, Alberta

T5K 2M4


Email mathew.christie@gov.ab.ca

Direct Phone 780-644-5524

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