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Operating Astar Manuals On A Mac?


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I was just wondering if any of you operate Astar Manuals on a Mac. I purchased a new mbp retina and want to download splitvision, orion, open 350 and Arriel Manuals. Has anybody done this and if so can you point me in the right direction?



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Split Vision and Open 350 are no longer updated and as such, no longer available.


According to Information Notice 2699-I-00, you need Internet Explorer and Adobe Reader to access ORION, so I don't know if you can do it on a Mac. You would need access through Keycopter to access the ORION service.


ORION Light is available for downloads, but again, you need access through Keycopter.

Your local Tech Rep may be able to give you access to it.

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The keycopter works fine on a mac but is slow, slow on a pc as well. I bought parallels and the cds worked fine, but five months later they wanted 50$ for an upgrade so i deleted it . I have been working in a camp with crappy internet and am basically using the dunstin notes for trouble shooting and using the DOM for part numbers . Eurocopter hasn't made things easier thats for sure .

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Orion seems to work fine using Google Chrome on my office PC, so if you downloaded Chrome on your Mac it should be fine. I will try it on my Air when I get home. Haven't tried it with Safari yet either though.


Trying to keep those Open350 and Splitvision programs up to date between my work desktop, toolbox laptop, and fly away bush laptop is a pain in the ***. But if it is only accessible online (Keycopter/Orion) then WTF else are you supposed to do when you are sitting in a field 200km from cell service, never mind wifi...?

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Hey three per, we just got the ORION disks and we can use them offline. You can't "install" them the same way you can the split vision or Open discs, but there is a "work around" I found so you don't need to have the disc in the drive at all times. Maybe just request a disc? It makes it much more bush friendly.



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Ya I asked my Chief if we have a disk kicking around. I also see that eventually Orion Light or Orion Offline (whatever they called it) will be downloadable from the website. It is there if you sort by Offline items, but does not have a download link yet.


I also noticed that the Information Notice said this replaced Splitvision and Open350, but this Orion is pretty obviously only for B2/B3... What about the MSM differences for the B and BAs?

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I also noticed that the figures on ORION are not-so-user friendly. The help section of the program says that you can zoom in, but I have tried to read a wiring diagram lately and it sure didn't seem to work out. I would rather have to carry around the 8 blue binders.... I imagine, like everything, these bugs will eventually come out in the wash, until then I will be keeping my split vision and open discs handy... Good luck ThreePer on getting Orion working.


Also I use a program called "team viewer" which hooks up to my laptop so I can use my iPad for the manuals (back to Orion working on a Mac). The only down side is you need an internet connection for both the laptop and iPad for them to work together, so in the bush miles away from town next to a herd of carribou it is not the best :).

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