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Us Work Visa's


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Trying to find out the possibility of getting a work visa for the USA, in aircraft maintenance.

Seeking information/advice from those individuals who have experience with this issue.


Reading alot of web site information does not lead one to believe that a work visa for the US in aircraft maintenance is obtainable, without it being inter-company transfer.


Any info would be appreciated, thank you.


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Unless you have a US company sponsor you ,and you must be employed with them for one year minimum (??!!?), good luck.....the company must prove why your job cannot be filled by a US citizen. Your background and education ( big time university degrees) must prove also why you would not be replaceable.

i have had work visa's for the last 9 years, and believe me, they are difficult and fickle even with the company support.

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Got interrupted.....as a side note, there are US companies hiring what is categorized as a Third Country Employee, which means you could get hired for working outside the US in other countries. Normally this would put you in a contractor role or position.

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My wife has had past expereience as a nurse working all over the US as a travel nurse. She has access to some high powered HR companies that do placements. With her specialty, she is in high demand. KInd of a one phone call type of thing. We tried placing me in there as a package deal (providing I had a US license of course). After about 6 months they were a bit frustrated. I think they were kinda pissed that she had married me, because we weren't going unless I worked LOL! The cost-plus those guys charge for finder's fees is phenomenal.


Good Luck



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BE CAREFUL....and get a proper immigration attorney, NOT an immigration representative!

I worked in the US for ages under a work visa obtained from a rep which stated that I was a spray system specialist, as years past, I became DOM for the company. Dec 2007 I went to renew my visa, they called the company I was working for and the secretary inadvertently said I was DOM....long story short, what I thought was a technicality, ended up being barred for 5 years from re-entry into the US. Could not go back and pick up my tools, empty apartment...etc, a major life changer in short.

I now have a proper immigration attorney because I now need a waiver to re-enter the states, after my 5 years was up. I asked her about going to work as either a pilot or engineer and after a bit of research, she said there was no visas available under the NAFTA treaty for pilots or mechanics. Only ways are the intra-company thing or an, E2 investor visa which is good for 5 years renewable. E2 is where you would start a company in the US and invest money to start it....etc.

My advise is to NOT take it lightly because the consequences are pretty harsh. I've heard nightmares of people being barred who have been down there for years. The decision comes down to the customs agent at the border and how he feels that day, its not all that black and white(it reminds me of TC and CARS, its up to their interpretation!).

PM me if you would like my attorney's contact info.

Good Luck!

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