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Press Release From Some Top Opp Guy About Cutting Helicopter Service

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I don't see the big deal here, to me it makes more sense to have a centralized maintenance facility and have the A/C where they are needed most and utilized to the max, it seems that they get the majority of their calls to the south rather than to the north. You put the machine where it is needed, you wouldn't put a machine in Alert of fires, would you. No. Like he said in the statement the machines are mobile and not assigned to a set region, its not like STARS based in Calgary, they are based there and they have a region they can "look after" if its outside their region then another A/C comes from somewhere else like Edmonton. The machines are owned by the OPP that means they have all of Ontario to patrol. Unlike HAWKS in Calgary which is owned by the CPS and they only do the Calgary Area. If this made you throw up a little bit in you're mouth maybe you should check out some other stuff in the industry, because this seems pretty miniscule compared to what they want to do with the TFW. That will make you #### your pants if this made you throw up a bit.

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^sorry I didn't clarify, the article is mostly bullshit. As you say, an entire province to cover, so why have one base? The numbers he uses are that, numbers, not real world. Talking about spares and the manufacturer like they give a rats. They are centralizing nothing and just trying to save money. They think they will save 254k a year by getting rid of one a/c. If they actually do the calls up north, the ferry time will kill that.

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The big guy only hears what is fed to him. The service has struggled with an incompetent manager for years. If you talk to the pilots there, morale has never been lower. Some pilots have left. A highly experienced Engineer in Sudbury is losing his job. I suspect there is more going on there than saving a few bucks.

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