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Holy Cow Mag, you need a life man!


Maybe take the wife and kids for a nice Easter country ride in the new Ford!


Your UAV painting really sucks man!!!!!


Yup 15 C here today, going to be fighting fires soon!!!!


Mag, I know you still have your CHW Unform.......

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I'm not so sure it's always 'incompetent' management, Jetbox. When I was privy to a lot of 'highest level' discussion about marketing matters at the oft-maligned Okanagan organization, most of the admonishments about giving succor to the enemy seemed to stem from the Harvard School of Business graduates that were there. Not many of them have been proven to be incompetent. Some, occasionally midguided or misled, perhaps, but rarely incompetent, especially within their individual spheres of responsibility. B)


And 407, I'd be the last person to suggest anyone's memory is bad. It's just that we swam in different waters in those days, and were certainly privy to different influences. e.g. Dan Dunn, regardless of whatever warts he may have had, achieved some great things, overcoming enormous odds, and his successor at Okie has never warranted anything but laurels to my knowledge. :D


At the risk of opening what seems to be (an probably should be) a 'dead' issue, I'd like to thank the folks that acknowledged what Garry has accomplished in the last 30 years, despite what he has, or has not, had to work with. Insofar as his current 'help' is concerned, Garry is as aware of their shortcomings as he is of their talents, and sees fit to keep the team as it is. Personally, I've never been associated with a company that constantly maintains such a low rate of turnover and has such a comprehensive list of aspiring applicants, abut half of which have extensive experience in the industry. I've never seen the 'perfect' management team, and some of the best I've seen included individuals that carried substantial personal burdens or shortcomings, yet contributed fully (and received 'downwards' loyalty as a result).


I trust that the critics who always seem to see the glass as half empty are aware - if we're not growing (learning), we're dying.

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You are not even worth replying to with statements like.... "slagging a company that chose to let him go.."


That proves how much you know. CHW never LET me go, I chose to leave, and my only regret was not leaving much earlier.


Throw your stones if you wish. I don't say I'm an expert at much more than flying JetRangers in the Hills. If you have a better record than I, then fire away.

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not407driver, you may criticize 407driver and even myself for not being very supportive of our ex-employer but you have to admit that if your cousins are talking about forming/joining a union, things obviously aren't as rosy at the red white and blue as you're willing to accept/acknowledge.


Just a thought.....


Maybe when you have a little more industry experience under your belt you won't be so insuslted when someone doesn't endorse the humingbird enterprise.

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