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Who Are You Working For This Summer?

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It almost seems more like 'boasting' than 'bitching' about the hours you've flown this year.


Lemme know if you need a break. I'll be glad to fill in!


(Come on summer!!!!)

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:blink: Hey Guys....absolutley" not" boasting....just bitching with a sense of black humour.....I know of a lot of flight crew right now that are overworked and tired.....that comment was a lot on their behalf....(whining is a right, not a priviledge!?)... :P
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Helilog, try 229 in the last 37 days! plus the tour in Jan feb on the coast  I flew one morning with you in the hills).


There are moments when the schedule at homedepot sounds good


:) Hey JFK.....is that a T/X formula or what? :P I don't know about homedepot though, all I ever do is spend to much money there, thats why I have to fly this much...... :wacko:

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