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More Helicopter Drug Smuggling!


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Just finished up at the HAC convention....enjoyed it, always great to catch some old friendships from across this great country and abroad. Capt. K, yes a little confused about your remark there....perhaps some clarification on what you mean about a waste of taxpayers money???? What is it the U.S Law enforcement should be learning?????

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No different than the Prohibition era. Different drug.


Legalize it, regulate it, restrict it. Banning it creates a prosperous black market, and all that comes with it.


I've also seen that 'pearl purple' EC-120 in YVR. It was featured in ECL's calender a few years ago, along with the owner's 'pearl purple' Corvette.

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No different than the Prohibition era. Different drug.


Hey Ray, your dating yourself..... :P Seriously though, I think things have gotten a little more complicated since then. The drug trade now has a more global picture to it. Our lax immigration laws seem to enhance this as our underworld criminal type and description has changed here immensly in YVR ( we are a port city afterall). All I can say is the war on drugs is immense and a problem the world has to take on..... for all our kids sake.

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Guest jesse


i'd be careful linking the purple 120 to this with very little evidence to support it. The owner may not enjoy that. He might enjoy talking to the lawyers though....


I wasnt implicating the 120 just saying that i seen it and i didnt think purple was a bad color for a helicopter it looked pretty nice to me.

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I also hadn't meant that the purple EC-120 was in any way connected to this news story. I was just referring to the color that I had seen locally. Hadn't even thought of that connection till I read your post.

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ALL of the ingredients and items needed to make ecstasy are available at your local Canadian Tire, WalMart or Superstores. ****, some of them are in the average family garage right now. Rent a house, set up a lab and you're in the "high class", big profit drug business. It's all the rage in Winnipeg and police forces estimate they are taking down maybe 10% of them at the most. So what's all this running back and forth over the US/Can border for? You can stay within a radius of 7 miles of that rented house and make a fortune........and you don't live in that rented house.....you live elsewhere.

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No different than the Prohibition era. Different drug.
I hate to say it but that's true! I also don't condone the use of any drug but the fact of the matter is simple: the "war on drugs" has done absolutely nothing to curb the use of drugs among teenagers and other users.

In the USA, some drug offenders get a longer jail sentence than some violent criminals, and yet, even with the threat of a severe punishment, people who choose to do drugs are not detered, therefore, I'm sorry to say that yes it most definately is a waste of taxpayers money to try to stop the sale and use of illegal drugs.


Maybe you should tell the families of the RCMP officers who were gunned down by a nice friendly pot grower, that they were wasting their time and taxpayer money too?

Those four officers weren't killed by a "friendly pot grower", they were killed by a deranged, desperate, violent and sick criminal that had many run-ins with the law for many years prior. The fact that there was a pot growing operation on his property had nothing to do with the killlings. He would have killed them just the same if they had gone to give him a friggin noise bylaw ticket. The guy was a ticking time bomb waiting to explode!


Drug use has been around long before the pilgrims decided it was "bad jou jou" and it will be around long after the disco lights go out! Let's not forget how Al Capone came to be! If it wasn't for the bible thumpers' push to outlaw booze early in the 1900's, Capone and many other gangsters would not have become the legends they are now! If drugs were legalized, the Hells Angels and other gangs would suddenly be out of a job!!!!! (as far as drug sales anyways)


I'm not saying that it should be a friggin free for all, but for all of you that think the legal system is a deterent for drug use, it simply isn't.

Booze lovers kept drinking right through prohibition just like pot smokers smoke their weed illegaly. Did the world come to an end when alcohol became legal again? No. Was there a massive increase in alcohol consumption after prohibition? No. Did the country fall into a pit of despair and alcoholism after prohibition? No. Why would legalizing drugs be any different? And by the way, alcohol can be just as addictive as drugs, yet, booze is legal!


Some of you will ask if my opinion will change when one of my kids comes home with a joint in his jacket pocket. No it won't because I hope I can teach my kids that there are other ways to get pleasure out of life than with drugs (flying helicopters is a perfect example incedently!).

However, if my kids decide they want to smoke pot against my wishes, I can try all I want, I won't be able to stop them so I'd rather they got whatever they're gonna get from a safe and reputable source than from a zoned out junkie a the local arcade or street corner. It's no different than teenagers getting booze for parties from the liquor store or dad's liquor cabinet rather than giving some street thug or bum some money for the booze.


For the record, I've never touched a joint or other illegal drug in my life and I'm not about to start anytime soon!


Fire at will!

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Guest jesse
Why would legalizing drugs be any different


When you say legalize drugs are you referring only to pot or all illegal drugs? You cant honestly be comparing coke, heroin and other hard drugs to alcohol can you.

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