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Man Up

Guest bag swinnger

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Guest bag swinnger

Hey its the second day of man up today here in whitecourt. with still a hint of snow in the shadows. Has any one else had the good fortune yet this season?

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Guest bag swinnger

Its a forestry term that is used when a HAC crew (helicopter attack crew) is geared up on a base or forest tower for initial attack on forest fires.

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Guest bag swinnger

Well some clown from CN rail thought it might be a good idea to burn the grass along the tracks east of whitecourt today. By the time we got the call a hundred and fifty foot train tressle was completly engulfed, burning into the trees wich did not go to far, but what a gong show going on down on the ground. Three astars, two city fire trucks,around six rural fire trucks, two oilwell fire trucks, non stop tri axle trailer water trucks, ambulances, half the police force, a Locamotive pulled rail cars full of water, a mobile command center, bus loads of type two and three crews.

As soon as global news wrapped up there interveiws every one but alberta forestry and a few CN rail crews and one astar was left. I left the seen a few minutes before legal darkness and could still see open flame a hundred feet up the structure.

Not a bad day on initail attack for april.

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