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Universal along with Lake Else closed.


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14 hours ago, Nicksmith said:

Since day one I watched the new management at UHNL drop the ball time and time again. Never have I seen such reckless spending in aviation before. Despite concerns, management repeatedly told everyone they had it under control and not to worry.

Some of that management team are the most vindictive people I have ever encountered in this industry. They’d smile to your face and then I’d watch as they’d slander whoever disagreed with them behind closed doors all the while patting each other on the backs and lining their own pockets.

The saddest part of this story is the number of lives this has affected. There were countless amazing employees at both those companies, employees that dedicated the better part of their whole working career to name on the wall. The companies themselves had a great history, with UHNL being around for over half a decade. It’s such a shame to see that destroyed by reckless incompetence.

Astoundingly, they laid off the entire company via a generic email (which didn’t even explain why), released a news article, and then pulled the plug on the website without ever having the decency to engage their employees in a constructive and respectful way.

Yes, COVID has a part to play, but ultimately it only delayed the inevitable. The writing was on the wall for this months ago.

I watched how SC told many a people how the PnL was his responsibility, which as CEO it is. Well, he better sure as **** live with that now.

When CT got involved, I heard rumors about how he’d bankrupt the company within two years. Turns out he only needed 18 months.

Generic email, how cowardly is that, you would think with all the colorful adds in the employment section from CT he could of helped SC out in that dept. Make you wonder what was told to the board and how gullible they were. Cant imagine the amount of bullshit they were fed to allow it to get that bad. Sad this had to happen to such a history rich company they held on for 57 years or so and all the great employees that have been there forever. Most started there career there as junior pilots and apprentices.    

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For those that see the need to single out certain individuals in this post and this forum in general, maybe have some empathy for your fellow human beings! It’s easy to sit on your high horse and throw darts, but would you throw those darts if you were face to face with these individuals?

I know these individuals well through many years in the industry. Have I seen eye to eye with them on everything through that time? Absolutely not! However, I’ve never felt the need to publicly humiliate them and harass them. Compassion is in short supply these days. 

I wish everyone the best through these trying times.


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16 minutes ago, NWBC said:

For those that see the need to single out certain individuals in this post and this forum in general, maybe have some empathy for your fellow human beings! It’s easy to sit on your high horse and throw darts, but would you throw those darts if you were face to face with these individuals?

I know these individuals well through many years in the industry. Have I seen eye to eye with them on everything through that time? Absolutely not! However, I don’t feel the need to publicly humiliate them and harass them. Compassion is in short supply these days. 

I wish everyone the best through these trying times.


The problem is they had no problem throwing the guys who are slagging them under the bus when the ball was in their court. Don't really have a dog in this particular fight but and old pilot once told me, "be careful of the toes you step on,on the way to the top they are attached to the a55 you have to kiss on the way to the bottom. And yes I have one person in particular I would have no problem telling to his face what his mother should have done. 

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20 minutes ago, NWBC said:

For those that see the need to single out certain individuals in this post and this forum in general, maybe have some empathy for your fellow human beings! It’s easy to sit on your high horse and throw darts, but would you throw those darts if you were face to face with these individuals?

I know these individuals well through many years in the industry. Have I seen eye to eye with them on everything through that time? Absolutely not! However, I don’t feel the need to publicly humiliate them and harass them. Compassion is in short supply these days. 

I wish everyone the best through these trying times.


I’m sure the employees (some being there for over 30 years) who received an email at 06:00 in the morning would of loved some empathy as well. It’s not humiliation it’s the truth! People that hold these positions should be responsible for their actions as it affects not just what was once a well managed company but many families as well. 

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56 minutes ago, NWBC said:

For those that see the need to single out certain individuals in this post and this forum in general, maybe have some empathy for your fellow human beings! It’s easy to sit on your high horse and throw darts, but would you throw those darts if you were face to face with these individuals?

I know these individuals well through many years in the industry. Have I seen eye to eye with them on everything through that time? Absolutely not! However, I don’t feel the need to publicly humiliate them and harass them. Compassion is in short supply these days. 

I wish everyone the best through these trying times.


I see where you are coming from but on that note was there empathy when a certain individual went on a rant and decided to invite random people from a helicopter forum to fight him in his back yard, because someone shared their personal opinion Right or wrong?  I can’t remember the exact circumstances cuz the thread is now shut down but then it happened again not too long ago, I believe about a week or so ago when he went on another rant about possibly fighting someone over things that were said, once again over a persons opinions.  This is what I’d like to call in the industry “a trend.” I’m not sure why universal got shut down, or who’s fault it is or if anyone is even to blame, or if  it’s the global pandemics fault who knows, I won’t venture to guess or point fingers either. But one thing I know for sure is.  Its not professional to want to invite people to fight in your back yard over a personal option then in that very same forum advertise jobs looking for people to come work for you, knowing full well those people might have seen your posts.  In my opinion this individual may have been a very significant figure in the aviation industry or maybe they were a lifer pool pilot, I’ve never met him but as of now he is the guy that wanted to fight people at a bbq.  I think that’s what will stand out most not what he’s done leading up to that point.  It’s like the saying goes you can build a thousand bridges but You suck one d1ck, you aren’t a bridge builder.  Now don’t everyone get your panties in a knot I’m not calling anyone a d1ck sucker it’s just a figure of speech,  and on another side note I do love me a backyard bbq fight but in the right setting.

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Thread shot not be shut down as long as people remain civil. At this point this thread is fairly civil. Same rules of freedom of speech should remain here as they do on Twitter until violate them. 

Must say though, drinking my morning coffee and watching Trunp on Twitter brightens my day. NOT

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1 hour ago, RDM-1 said:

Thread shot not be shut down as long as people remain civil. At this point this thread is fairly civil. Same rules of freedom of speech should remain here as they do on Twitter until violate them. 


Sure, but if you make personal attacks on companies or individuals, you should have the kahunas to use your real name. 

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