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Coulson Buying Jayrow?

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Lots of changes happening down there. I have heard that McDermott has lost their contracts as well as Erickson and another operator I don't know. The rumour is that Helicopter transport scooped the crane contracts but I don't know who got the 214 contracts. Maybe Coulson is going after them with the 61's?

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Will be talking to Johnny Mac today on something else so will see what I can find out. I know he did say that there was no way the locals could compete with the prices the overseas companies were offering so that might be some clue.


Now did Erickson lose it in Vic and NSW or just the ones in NSW. They have been in VIC for as long as I can remember.


Heli Ops


P.S. With the drought in OZ its going to be a great fire season :rolleyes:

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Ok, here is the latest.


Yes McDermott lost their contracts. Heli Aust got the lions share using cheap 212s out of Canada somewhere.


Sydney Helicopter Services (David Gemmell) teamed up with Helicopter Transport Services and won the crane work from Erickson, BUT there are rumours, and I stress rumours, that this might not be a done deal yet as some higher ups want Erickson back. Watch this space.


Also its official that Coulson bought Jayrow and also ATO which is an overhaul company also owned by the Rose family.


Heli Ops

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ATO - Aviation Turbine Overhaul. Very good business and a growing one. Out of the Rose empire its the only one that has really made some money and with the increase in helos in Australia, turbine that is, business is growing. Its actually a good buy if you want to get into the overhaul business downunder as they also do some work for companies outside Australia.


Now Jayrow Helicopters, thats a whole different ball game. All I could sumise is that they would use Jayrow to bid on contracts within Australia. Jayrow have a few offshore contracts and fire fighting contracts around the country. Under the right management I think it could be turned into a stable and financially viable company. You would know more about Wayne Coulson and the way they do business to know if that is a positive or a negative but from what I have heard he seems like a pretty savvy businessman.


Heli Ops

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Brame - Talk to Jim Norrie there, he is either Ops Manager or Chief Pilot. Now I am not sure if that it is going to be Canadian pilots or Aussie pilots. If they are going to be provided with the helos then suggest talking to Wildcat Helicopters direct. Here is Heli Aust's website:




Will see what else I can find out for you.




Heli Ops

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