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Chl New Logo.....going Public.....bye Bye Chc

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Our new brand signature builds on our 50-year foundation of quality, service, and innovation – and symbolizes our vision for Canadian Helicopters to strengthen its leadership position through dynamic innovation and leading-edge thinking into the future.


The circle symbolizes planet earth, and the global scope of our full-service business philosophy. The circle also represents the sun, and the optimism of our bright new future.


The aerofoil represents flight, and the technology of aviation – our raison d’être. Additionally, as a symbol of energy and forward momentum, it captures the dynamic innovation that is at the heart of everything we do.


Red and white are our colours, symbolizing our Canadian origins – and the values of honesty, integrity, quality, and friendly professionalism, which we share with Canada on the world stage.


Welcome to the future.

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You.......sir.....are also entitled to your OPINION.....and I'll defend that Right.........but I'll vehemently disagree with you 'til my last breath. There's also a huge number of personnel who will laugh at your statement and wouldn't even bother replying to it. There is an equally large proportion of past customers who would join in that laughing. I'm happy to report that the word "quality" of service, tradition, excellence and employer skills DId NOT begin with the advent of Sealand upon the aviation stage nor with their take-over of Okanagan. Neither did the Dobbin family bring it into aviation, as it was here long before Mssr. Dobbin was born. No slight intended and none should be taken towards Mssr. Dobbin whatsoever because he did not rise to his level of expertise in either his first career or in the present one by being "thick of skull". DO NOT however begin to think or suggest that those who began and later owned/Managed Okanagan Helicopters were 'thick of skull" either. If you had been part of that company for any lengthy period of time at all, you would not have made such a statement EVEN IF you were satisfied where you were.


The death of Okanagan did not start with Sealand's buy-out of Okanagan, but the very minute that one J.S. Lecky assumed control of the reins......and doing so by "coming in through the back door". On THAT DAY, Okanagan began it's downward spiral from which it eventually "passed away". All Mssr. Dobbin et al did was put it out of it's misery. If, by your statement, you were allluding to those last days, then you were correct, BUT if you were alluding to the many years of Okanagan then you are and have been grossly misinformed.

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Touchy, touchy. You read way too much into my post. There was no comment on whom was better, just that OK is dead. Get over it.


However, since you brought it up, my experience is that we easily surpassed OK in the customer service department, at least in the East Coast Offshore business.

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Sillybunt....Man are you Brainwashed!








Whatever pal, I could write you a 50 page essay on all their internal crap, but I moved on....As for the hummingbird, I bet CH Gobal will not them them use it anymore, for it has copyrights and some honor!

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