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Pilot Log Book


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I am due to find a new log book. Ran out of space over a year ago...


What is everyone using? Still the old paper format or have many of you gone to an electronic format or even possibly an online format? A google search sure brings out many options and a wide spectrum of prices... Any preferences or recommendations anyone?



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Hard-covered scribbler for 20 years and recently "converted" to something designated "Logbook" because of verbal threats. Wife is presently "updating" once more by having me join the "computer world" of recording flying times......and to think I started out using an abacus.......God time moves along fast. :lol:

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Don't know if this one is of any use to rotary folk, but a very good friend of mine could not find one that suited his needs (fixed wing) so he came up with one of his own. The quality is incredible. Aviation World and Threshold carry them if you want to see one. Again, they were made for fixed wing, but I have no idea how you guys log your hours. There are blank columns as well.



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