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Twotter and I thought you were an Import!!


I remember doing one out your way,looked nice but that was about it. It had a burn

hole about 7 inches sq in the firewall, a hole corroded thru the engine mount, all taped up with aluim tape mind you, it was caused from a previous turbo failure. The same acft had too small dia exhaust gaskets installed,causing a major restriction, plus a host of other snags. It just came off a 100 hr insp in the US of A..

I made a few bucks on that one..

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Oh yeah, sound oh so familiar louie..  This one is about number 10 that I''ve done and it just never changes..  Thank god the customer is getting me to do pre purchases before they show up...  I''ll have to relay some of the horror stories I''ve seen on these imports and the pre purchases I''ve done..  It''ll wake up the young ones!! 


Anyhow you old east coaster..  gotta go, I''m off to Texas tomorrow AM to look at another one...  I hear it''s going to be in the 40''s down there!!  Kinda warm for a left coaster...



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