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Renting after PPL


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Hi all,

I am a fixed wing ATPL holder looking to venture into helicopter flying. Initially strictly as a recreational activity, but who knows what the future holds.

Lots of information out there on how to get your PPL and what credits are available etc, but I am more concerned about what happens after one gets their PPL. The general (possibly incorrect?) idea from talking to people seems to be that very few schools would allow you to rent once licensed. Is this true?

I suppose it would be somewhat possible to convince the school where I would do my training to rent after getting my license, but I am more interested in the "industry standard" way of doing things across Canada.

In the fixed wing world there are lots of clubs and schools that would rent to PPL holders. How's the heli world dealing with that?

Kind regards,


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9 hours ago, whippersnapr said:

If you're doing it for fun, why not just buy a 44 that is near calendar with time remaining?

I'll admit I am not brave enough to undertake such a venture. But you're definitely making me look into it once more!

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Not aware of any schools or companies that will "rent" them out once you are licensed. There have been a few mentions of people trying it, but they generally disappear very quickly. Just not a thing in Canada. Only possibility would be if a school allowed you to continue to "build solo time" under the auspices of the FTU as opposed to renting. Kind of a grey area to delve into though.

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BC Heli Rentals was running during the summers of 2021/22, though that came to a halt when the 44 got banged up in a Confined Area. No word on them starting the business up again. I'm also looking for somewhere to fly a few hours!

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