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Training Costs And Pilot Demand


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I'm looking at a school with a package that gives private, comercial,instrument, CFI, load lifting and trubine transition for $69k total flight hours are 200. Training is in R22 & R44, turbine is a Bell 206(I think).


Does this sound like a 'market' price?


Is the demand for pilots really going up?

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I'm looking at a school with a package that gives private, comercial,instrument, CFI, load lifting and trubine transition for $69k total flight hours are 200. Training is in R22 & R44, turbine is a Bell 206(I think).


Does this sound like a 'market' price?


Is the demand for pilots really going up?

Good quote!!!!


But demands are not up!!

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Hey TomCarl,


Don't know what to say about that price since I'm not really current with the training side of the industry but it sure sounds low for 200 hours even if they were all R22 hours.


Regarding the Instructor rating. According to CARS. Before commencing training for the Class 4 Instructor Rating, an applicant shall hold a Commercial Pilot Licence - Helicopter have completed a minimum of 250 hours pilot-in-command flight time in helicopters.


About the demand for helicopter pilots there isn't now and never will be a shortage of licensed pilots. Sadly the schools are turning them out where upon the majority will never find a job in the field.


Who is telling you all this??


I wish the schools would clean up there act with regard to telling lies to potential students. I noticed this on the website for Chinook who I'm sure are a great bunch of ppl but none the less lying through there teeth.


"The Bell 47 is used in a wide variety of operations by our graduates, including pilot training, aerial photography, pipeline patrol, forest fire fighting, geological surveying, fishspotting and enforcement reconnaissance."


Yeah right!! When was the last time I landed a 350 B2 beside a 47-G2 on fires hmmm let me think..... NEVER!!


Good training aircraft ok, I'll buy that as I trained on one of the 47's they now operate but to work it in the field in Canada come on. Sure there are still a few out there doing some work but what kind of percentage of the overall work??? 0.1% maybe




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I'm assuming this is for an FAA package. It seems to be pretty common in the US for pilots to go through the steps you refer to. Hard to say if it's a good price. Shop around...


As for demand, it's a rough road. Be prepared to suffer for a couple years after getting your license...

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Hey TomCarl,


Don't know what to say about that price since I'm not really current with the training side of the industry


Sadly the schools are turning them out where upon the majority will never find a job in the field.


I wish the schools would clean up there act with regard to telling lies to potential students.




You sure you're not current with the training side of the industry?


You make it sound like schools are actively recuriting for new pilots like those sargents from the Marines in Farenheit 911. It's been addressed before... schools are in business just like any other company.


Someone walks in the door and wants to buy your product, what are you going to say? "Sorry, there are way too many out of work 100 hour pilots in this country right now. Please come back in 5 years maybe, then we'll see." :shock: Fat chance.


I'm sure there are "used car" type salesmen and women working selling their wares in the training field. I'm also sure there are by far more honest and upfront companies and instructors telling potential students that things are tough getting going in this industry and they should make informed decisions with the money they are wanting to part with.


I know you probably didn't intend to paint all with the same brush, but you did just the same.



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thanks for the comments. Sounds like the cost is fairly in line.

Not familiar with all the acronyms but I think CAR is canada, I'm in the US.


The school does say that the good oppertunities don't come up till you hit 1000 - 1500 hours.


Ya, the huge debt, with the potential of moderate wages is giving me pause. They say the want to hire all of their grads but that is just a promise. And of course you start as a flight instructor.


Skids and Volition would you say there are decent jobs once you get that 1500 hours in?


Though I have seen projections that man 'Vietnam Era' pilots will soon start leaving the field.

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The school does say that the good oppertunities don't come up till you hit 1000 - 1500 hours.
And that is a long ways down the road. :(


Ya, the huge debt, with the potential of moderate wages is giving me pause. They say the want to hire all of their grads but that is just a promise.


What else would you say when you want someone to give you all their money? Be wary of such promises... :shock:

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Hey RH1,


You're right I probaby paint the abinitio training part of the industry in an uglier brush then they deserve and I know they are all just trying to make a dime. My comments were mainly based on the experiences I had when I was shopping around for a place to train back quite a few years ago maybe they have since become more honest. I think I did find someone more honest then the rest I met at Delta in ZBB.



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