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Industry Health Poll


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Just starting a poll re: the health of the industry? In IMO, I would have it in a downward spiral. I don't see any improvement until the ratio Work/#aircraft increases substantually. There are far too many operators living on the edge and are driving the rates down for the short term answer of their survival. Hence the Domino reaction, driving the wages down, hiring marginally experienced drivers & maintenance staff, crossing every and all bodily members for good luck, not to exclude the implementation of light pencils for the A/C logbook if necessary. My question would be. Does the whinning sound of a turbine and the acrid fragrance of burnt jetfuel, really that powerful to remove every molecule of intelligence located within the confines of average brains of these operators? Or might that just be an oversight on my part to think that the operators in this industry actually posess an "Average human brain"? ;)

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Well if all doo gooders were in the owners shoes and would see the bills piling up, you would understand. A straight 100 hr insp usually is about $5,000.00 +. Not the $23.95 at your local Walmart with roadside assistance!

So what's your point? It cost $ to run your business? My point is raise your rates or get out of the business cause you're only putting of the inevitable and undermining the industry in the meantime. Just turn around and you'll stil see the burnt shadows left behind by NMH.

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You would think that 5 grand every 100h would be alright considering that even a jetbox in 100h would bring in 100G's so like 10 hours go to pay the maint. and some for fuel, and some for the pilot. so not really a bad deal. I assume you are talking something larger than a 206.



Cole B)

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Cole, I want your rates on the 206 if i was an owner. if i was a customer i'll take the lowball average they're getting now. unfortunately, there isn't many 206's that can grab a $1000/hr, makes we wonder if the industry will ever see it.

Not likely to happen in my eyes until all the old chafe, that started this slide to the bottom of the pit, leaves.

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Cole, I want your rates on the 206 if i was an owner. if i was a customer i'll take the lowball average they're getting now. unfortunately, there isn't many 206's that can grab a $1000/hr, makes we wonder if the industry will ever see it.

Not likely to happen in my eyes until all the old chafe, that started this slide to the bottom of the pit, leaves.

"There isn't many 206's that grab a $1,000/hr" Ya show me ONE? A $1,000/hr. is where the rates should be starting. Ever heard of rates ($650/hr.) anywhere in Europe? No you never will because they are in business to stay in business as it should be.

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The fall of the NMH that was mentioned in the past was not due to its low rates, but because of other things, I'm sure most here know about, which I'm not going to get into.

3 years ago, we were getting over 1000/hr for a 206 for front end work.

We could get it because there was'nt any other operator to do the work for them, we told them we are very busy and this is what it'll cost, oh ya also 4 hr mins to.

Yes they near soiled themselves, Our boss said if they dont like it they will find someone else. We did it for 3 weeks. :lol:

Thats no sh$t either. Also wasnt as though we needed the work we were short aircraft trying to keep up with the work.

Plus the aircraft we were using were fresh out of overhaul and we all know what siesmic can do to a nice aircraft.

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