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Is this individual a few bricks short? I have heard some !@&*# in my 18 years but his arrogance seems to top it all. I won't give much credit to those words or even justify a direct response to that babble.

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You have some glorified ideal of the swashbuckling helicopter pilot that you are struggling to perpetuate, the man that flies by the seat of his pants, who has some imagined sixth sense that keeps him alive, who eschews the advantages of modern technology. It is a dangerous way to live.


30 + years of danger and I never even knew it.... :shock:


Helicopters and those who fly, maintain and support them are the back bone of many industry's in this country. The people are solid and so is the equipment. We fly in some of the harshest conditions in the world in a safe and professional manner, period. Anyone who says differently is either not familiar with the industry or was not able to make the cut.


Well said... :up:

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Mr. Moore:

For some reason you found this forum and started posting on it. Why, exactly, is beyond me.

You seem to believe that we spend all of our time flying overgross, badly maintained helicopters in bad weather. The rest of our time, I assume you believe, is spent drinking and going to the many funerals of recently deceased pilots.

Beyond, perhaps, flying as a passenger you have no knowledge of flight operations.

Is there not a geology website onto which we, from this forum, can log onto to input our uninformed opinions on strike, dip, fault lines, drag folds and such what? I am sure we will be welcomed with open arms!

You make broad insulting comments and are upset when someone offers to give you a severe attitude adjustment? You get back what you put in.

If you have tried to influence your grandson with these beliefs he is going to have a short, expensive and unhappy career. Best of luck to him.


An old prospector once told me: "Geologists!!! Most !@#$%^& geologists couldn't find a mine if they fell down the shaft."

One of the questions I have always had is why they put geologists in charge of exploration camps - something they have demonstrated time and time again the inability to manage.


Sorry that you lost your testicles. Not really need to know info however!

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One of the questions I have always had is why they put geologists in charge of exploration camps - something they have demonstrated time and time again the inability to manage.




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Helicopters and those who fly, maintain and support them are the back bone of many industry's in this country. The people are solid and so is the equipment. We fly in some of the harshest conditions in the world in a safe and professional manner, period. Anyone who says differently is either not familiar with the industry or was not able to make the cut. We may have our differences and opinions but as a community the majority go out of their way the help and support each other and I think this a true sign of what professionalism is. Keep up the good work folks! :up:




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