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What Do You Guys Think Of This Idea?


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Hey all,


I am new to this forum. I am currently training to be a commerical helicopter pilot. I have done very well in my life, and i have some money saved up. I could afford to buy a helicopter to get some experience. I was just wondering what your opinions are on this, is it worth it?


My family also has farm, so i could do all the spraying, rather then hirining it out to some other company.


Bottom line, is it worth it to buy your own helicopter and built up your own hours? Will employers look at your hours differently?


Thanks for your help



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Buiying a helicopter is a good idea but do not but a R22 or 300, because you are very limited what you can do withit afterwords. A 206 is the best starting AC and if you can afford it.- do your licence on a 206. :up:



All you need is a Class 2 or 3 Instructor who is also interested in starting something up or a school you can lease the AC back to.


This way you are recovering you money, and have an operational AC that can be put to work afterwords. :up:


Good luck



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Those new 417's look nice :huh:


All kidding aside, if you can afford it, go with the jetbox and hire out an instructor. You could always let the instructor act as cheif pilot and start up your own company to train yourself with. Now that I think of that, would it work? I mean one simply cant just start up a helicopter company, you need what, a cheif pilot with an hour requirement, the funding and some help and advice from a helicopter forum :up: . Then you can always use your 206 for your own purposes untill you can fly for forestry (500 hrs?) then be self employed for a while.


OR offer to lease your helicopter to another company and see if you can fly it. Mabey buy into a one helicopter opperation and make it 2?


Now im just babbeling (SP?)


Let us know none the less. Good luck.


Cole B)

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Thanks for your help and advise guys.


I was actually thinking about the 206 since it is just more of an aircraft than the 300 or the R22.


I have been playing with the idea of hiring a chief pilot and starting up my own company right away, but i think i rather just put it to personal use for a while and and do some spraying for my folks. Once i have some more experience, i was thinking i could just lease it out, or open my own company then. I guess i have to wait and see how it goes. Or maybe i can find someone that wants to lease it.


thanks again



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As fast or faster, but where to put Cargo? In addition the R44 is the UGLIEST :shock: helicopter short of the Skeeter Rowe developed in the 1940's.


The dependibility of the C20 is also the another advantage. :up:


Id sooner flya Brantly. :rolleyes:



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Allbananas, hello everyone here (my first post).


I don't know whether buying a time builder is a good solution, but I feel it's the only possible solution to fly after the license. Of course I exclude both renting the ship or buying the job.


I also think that any helo will do it, since only total time matters for the employer, but maybe i'm wrong. The R22 is inexpensive to operate, but the R44 would allow me to give passengers non-commercial sightseeing tours... That may pay the gas.



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We were talking about this just yesterday. A friend of mine bought a R22 for $100,000. He kept it for about a year and a half, and put 500 hours on it. Then he sold if for $85,000


$15,000 Aircraft

$25,000 fuel

$ 4,000 Maintenence (approx)

$ 3,000 Copa liability insurance

$ 500 oil


$47,500 or $95.00 per hour.


Then with 600hrs TT he walked into a flying job. The company didn't really care where the time came from, because like a lot of operators, its the Insurance company that puts on the restrictions. (and some customers)


Worth pondering.


(Also, I wouldn't suggest spraying as a time builder straight out of flight school)

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