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Getting Into A 407

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Just wondering what the chances are of getting into a 407 with about 1000hrs mostly jetbox/500 time am I wasting my time? should I get a bit more JR time before heading down this track.

Got a friend flying one in PNG and he raves about it OGE at 13000' in the highland's and still plenty of mumbo

Not that keen to get into AS350 would rather stay in a 500 and hang out the door :)

Any comments would be appreciated

Regards Dan

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With 1000 hrs on 206/500 you will have no problem flying the 407....it has a very sensitive cyclic and boosted pedals which makes it a little hard to hover....probably more like the 500 just don't tighten up on the cyclic and try not to do the left/right shuffle with the pedals...and as the instuctors at Bell like to say....make her go FAST :up: ;)B)

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What da ya mean your not that keen on an Astar!


407's are good for sure but,,, Astars are great!


Most of my longline time is in them and i love them, you get used to it really quickly.


However, I don't get to fly them anymore. :down:


If it's got wings that rotate, ya can't go too far wrong, (to a point)

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I'm with Rainman on this one.


The 500 is a great little machine, and certainly a fun LL platform, but the Astar is just a pleasure to fly in every way. LLing out it is great once you get used to it as well. And with the door ON, who cares what's happening outside - Oh, and heater works...



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These threads always shift into a 407 Vs 350 debate.


Danny asked if he could fly a 407 at 1,000 hrs, Of course you can, it's just a helicopter Danny. It may have a bit more control forces without hydraulics than you're used to, a few items to learn about a FADEC and running manual throttle ( hmm, similar to twisting a Bell 47 throttle?), but the average pilot will have no problems converting to a 407. I know of a company who starts many pilots at under 1,000, no issues.


Now, back to the real debate, why would anyone want to fly a cheap plastic POS like a 350 anyway, :D:D

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You will have no prob with the 407 as 407D stated...more fun to fly than a 500 and you actually can hear and walk when you get out of it at the end of the day!

I agree the Astar is more comfy..but if you look at the pics of the one down on Baffin Island...well fiberglass and a cantelevered floor are not your friends if things go bad. They both have there pluses and minuses..but I think you are safer and will have more fun in a 407 in my opinion. Just watch the mgt!



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These threads always shift into a 407 Vs 350 debate.


Danny asked if he could fly a 407 at 1,000 hrs, Of course you can, it's just a helicopter Danny. It may have a bit more control forces without hydraulics than you're used to, a few items to learn about a FADEC and running manual throttle ( hmm, similar to twisting a Bell 47 throttle?), but the average pilot will have no problems converting to a 407. I know of a company who starts many pilots at under 1,000, no issues.


Now, back to the real debate, why would anyone want to fly a cheap plastic POS like a 350 anyway, :D:D


I guess the Astar might less of an extension, if that's what your'e looking for.

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