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Most low time pilots looking for that first job spend alot of time in thier cars. Best advice I can give you is pack the car and hit the road.


Nothing says "I'm ready and willing to work" better than talking to prospective employers in person. It's a tough row to hoe, but most who find that first job found it this way.




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Most low time pilots looking for that first job spend alot of time in thier cars. Best advice I can give you is pack the car and hit the road.


Nothing says "I'm ready and willing to work" better than talking to prospective employers in person. It's a tough row to hoe, but most who find that first job found it this way.




Thanks for the help but it's kinda hard for me to do that with a wife and 2 kids living in a isolated community...i have previous work with some companies but non are hiring at the time...

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Think you might have a tough road ahead of you if you can't make a "road trip". There are very few if any companies that i'm aware of that would hire a low timer sight unseen. And having said that....there are many years ahead that you'll likely see very little of your family. Don't want to be the bearer of bad news...from my experience it's just a reality. Best of luck.

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Have to agree with general, I spent 5 years on the road. remember this is a passion not a job. you get out what you put in.


good luck in your adventure.


I do understand what has to be done like i mention i have previous experience and have left home for long periods of time...i was just wondering if anyone would be able to help me out..but you guys input is a lot of help and thanks :punk:

Just to mention another thing.. I have access to a lot of money for training with one catch..i have to find a company willing to hire me after my training is complete. i was looking into getting some longlining or another endorsement. so if any companys can help me out that would be great..

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