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Training In The Okanagan Bc


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hey 2BanAviator,

i too have been lurking around this forum and i am also looking into getting my commercial license. i live in vernon so the closest school is www.okhelicopters.com/ in kelowna. from what i've heard it's pretty good. if you have lots of money try canadian helicopters in penticton. good luck.

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I won't disagree with tonka. I too happen to live in Vernon and did train with OMH (formerly Airborne Flight Training) in 2002. I have no regrets and am among seven of eight in my class who were flying in the industry within a year of completing their 115 hour program. It has been and continues to be a very positive experience.



Of course, CHL's flight training unit in Penticton is world renowned for its products.



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OKMH are a very good bunch of people.


If you are somehow very loaded and do train at CHL, send me a PM, Ill be a sandbag... Free rides in helicopters are awsome.


****, Ill pay for almost anything if its free :up:


Look up Kootenay valley helicopters, that guy runs a tight ship. (and on the 300 to boot). A local pilot/owner says the students that come out of there know how to fly. In fact, I believe his son starts their program in november.


Its on my very short list for schools, and ive done my homework. Actually, a quick search on the forums will turn up most of my homework.


I should get some sleep, some of the stuff Ive typed in the last few minutes I dont even understand.


Have a good one- Cole :punk:

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Well, IMO I would go to a flight training unit where access to the mountains is close, having the experience in the mountains is the best. Getting used to mountain flying will give you an edge, when it comes time to getting that first hard to come by job. :up:


There is a guy who is starting a new flight training unit.. can't remember the name of the outfit but was advertised as starting November 2006. Being that he is new and building a reputation the trainging will probably be very good, with extra attention to detail. ( in BC I believe with a Bell 47) :up:


There are also a few training units out of Langley, that are also very good.


Whatever you do stay clear of the puppy mills.


Good luck



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Thanks for the help and suggestions. Okanagan Mountain Helicopters sounds like a good bet then.


"Stay clear of the puppy mills", absolutely I don’t just want to learn how to fly a helicopter I would like to train for a job in the helicopter industry, if that is possible.


JeffyG, it’s interesting that you say training in the mountains isn’t going to make it easier to get a job and I am sure you are correct, that isn’t going to be easy anyway, but I had considered starting flying where I am now in the UK but thought I might be better saving my money until I get to the mountains of BC and train where I would like to work. Interesting!


Thanks all. :)

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I suggest you come out into the Fraser Valley and have a look around because you have alot of talented instructors in the area........


Rob Wood at Premier Helicopters; Craig Joiner at Valley Helicopters and yours truly at BC Helicopters are 3 schools that you should have a serious look at before you make your $45,000.00 decision........... ah, Bob Kelly at Chinook, as well!


visit them all to make an informed choice :up:


my 2 bits worth is stay away from the R22's :down:

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He isnt the only pilot that has told someone to stay away from the 22. As a matter of fact almost every pilot I have spoken to has said dont go near the 22.


Note that OKMH flies the 22.


I have a short list of schools, here they are, with GSH being my first choice, and the others being in NO SPECIFIC ORDER

-Great slave helicopters, BH206 (what can I say, it is big bucks, but I know a few people that went through it, they all said it got them in the seat fast.)

-Kooteney valley helicopters, S300 (Heard nothing but good things about this school)

-Valley helicopters, BH47

-BC Helicopters, S300 (I like the 300, solid flight platform)

-Chinook Helicopters, BH47


Like I said, I would like to train at GSH, but that doesnt mean the other companies are no good.


I would suggest going to all your prospective schools (I kinda dropped in on most of them, and am going to hit some schools up this winter for some rides)


Im sorry if the school you work at was not on my short list, but this is based on reputation, and past student experiences (from a few different prespectives)


Cole B)

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i did train in the r22 and did learn a lot thats for sure... having said that i will never fly one again...


also if the stove quits in your first probably 500 hours i don't think you have much of a chance


just my opinion

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