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Duty Days For Engineers


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Just wondering what every ones take is on the recent article that was circulating in the paper this week about T/C looking into duty days for AME's.

Should be interesting given the current problem that most employeers are facing with a huge shortage in the industry?


Not sure how it would work, but an interesting idea for sure. No one is at their best at the end of a ridiculously long shift.

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At least two if not more years ago this was a subject that was raised by TC at a meeting I attended along with Buddy from HAC, who mentioned that the owners club would not be very interested.


AME assoc. should have been aware of this ages ago.


What paper was this in?????


Cheers, Don

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It doesn't matter because it won't be enforced anyways. It will be like claiming your actual hours worked. If you are full time and enter 14 to 15 hours a day, which you work in the field, the company will pay only for the 3 to 4 hours that you are actually wrenching. If you did get credit for the actual time worked you would exceed the Labour acts 1926hrs worked in a year and the would have to pay you OT. Good luck on that one.

That by the way is how one very respected company does it with their full time engineers.

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I say we should work them like dogs until they whimper for mercy and then work them some more until their tools drop from their cramped fingers.


Ah RedDawg

I see you are using your right of free speech to encourage an open and harmonious debate.

The excrement will, no doubt, impact the rotary oscillator at high speed leading to an interesting impact pattern.

“The Floggings will continue until Moral Improves.”

Good to see you back haven’t seen you for a while.

Undoubtedly Deuce will be along to comment.

Just how big is that S_ _ T stirring stick of yours?

I hear that the engineers have ordered tar, feathers plus a splintered rail and are planning a celebration in your honour. Lucky you! Hope I did not spoil their surprise.

You break me up bud LOL!



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