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Taf, Metar ,cyxu

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this whole board is a small world, h-i-c... and you are correct... be careful of whose toes you step on today for they may be attached to the a** you may have to kiss tomorrow... :wacko:


that said, there are many here who can vent a little and pass on info that others may never hear... if you keep your integrity and honor about you, you may have more torque to pull if and when you need it...


welcome to the board... B)

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isn't it obvious? my take is he's on the sauce reminiscing about times from the past where he watched an arrogant buddy of his mess up. Three others with him (likely he was on board himself) did nothing to stop the individual from showing off and we're subsequently sent home too. Sad story, but to make any further deductions of what truly transpired we'll need the rest of the story. Paperback version coming soon?


Rule of thumb; when you hear a buddy go, "hey, watch this!"...slap him so hard and so fast, he's into the middle of next week.

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