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Bush Flying


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I am open to the idea. When I was setting up all of the forums, I tried to focus on "the person" and "the operation". I did think of Bush Flying and since it is such a big part of the industry here, I thought about it hard. I am open to placing a Bush Flying forum but I want to make sure all forums are used and used based on their subject of conversation.
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I would be able to assist running a "Flight Simulation" forum. Probably clocked over 20,000 hours on flight sims since being about 14...Now 18. I am availbile much of the time and since im 8 hours ahead the west of Canada and 5 hours ahead of the east (most of it) I will be able to check it out when you are all asleep.


Well, just a thought...Im very much availbile and would be privelaged to assist the boss..


Smooth skies,


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On 3/12/2003 4:47:52 AM Daniel wrote:


I would be able to assist running a "Flight Simulation" forum. Probably clocked over 20,000 hours on flight sims since being about 14...Now 18.




There is only 35,040 hours in 4 years. 20,000 is alittle far fetched



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Yes thanks for that I was just making a point that I have clocked many hours, in "very high thousands". Its a shame I think, that I did not start the flight sim log book when I first sat at Flight Sim 95 all that time ago...


You get the point tho


Smooth skies,



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