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As 350 B3 Question Need Some Help


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Hello all.


I have a couple of questions for a B3 guru.

I have been somewhat thrown to the wolves here and could use a little help.


First off does any one know where to find a Flight manual downloadable on the internet in English?


Any one have a checklist on there computer they could email me?


Here is my question:


The NG% is my limiting factor. 101.1 is max TO and 102.3 is transient for 2 seconds if I remember right. If I also remember right this varies with OAT and PA.


We are operating at 32-35c <2500' lifting heavy loads. with my head comming in and out of the door I see the yellow line under the NG value on the upper VEMD. some where around 98.5> I get the gong. I have never been able to see exaclty where. When I get the "Gong" is this the adjusted max NG TO limit for OAT and PA. Or am I into the transient at this point. I would assume the red line on the FLI is my limit, and the triangle is the transient limit. For some reason my eye tends to cath the NG number on the top right of the screen and not the FLI when I glance in.


Could some one help me out on this one..





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I don't know about you, but whenever I used to get real close to a redline, I'd always switch from the FLI display to the old style 3 gauge display. This allowed me to get a better feel for when I'm approaching the redline. It is much easier to keep one eye on the VEMD watching your limiting gauge approach the redline while your other eye is looking down the line at the load than it is using the FLI. Other pilots I've talked to think the FLI is great even at the limit, so your preference may vary. I just never got a good feel for power remaining and collective travel remaining when very close to limits and when using the FLI display.

As to your other question about the gong, I'm going to try to answer based purely on memory that is trying to bring things back from several years ago. The generation I 350B3s wouldn't give you the gong until you hit the end of your allowed transient time limit. By the time you got the aural warning it already was too late. Later generation B3s would give you the aural warning 1.5 seconds into your time phase above redline, but below transient limits, or it would gong no matter the time if you exceed transient limits. I really liked that, as it saves your a$$ from exceeding transients. You now have a few seconds left to lower the collective ever so slightly to get out of transients and back into your takeoff power.

As I mentioned, it's been a few years since I had to know these things, so I might have things mixed up a bit. I'm sure other pilots that are more proficient will correct me if I got things mixed up.

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  • 7 months later...
Hello all.


I have a couple of questions for a B3 guru.

I have been somewhat thrown to the wolves here and could use a little help.


First off does any one know where to find a Flight manual downloadable on the internet in English?


Any one have a checklist on there computer they could email me?


Here is my question:


The NG% is my limiting factor. 101.1 is max TO and 102.3 is transient for 2 seconds if I remember right. If I also remember right this varies with OAT and PA.


We are operating at 32-35c <2500' lifting heavy loads. with my head comming in and out of the door I see the yellow line under the NG value on the upper VEMD. some where around 98.5> I get the gong. I have never been able to see exaclty where. When I get the "Gong" is this the adjusted max NG TO limit for OAT and PA. Or am I into the transient at this point. I would assume the red line on the FLI is my limit, and the triangle is the transient limit. For some reason my eye tends to cath the NG number on the top right of the screen and not the FLI when I glance in.


Could some one help me out on this one..







C :shock: :punk: :up: HEERS

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Hello JFK


Not that I am an expert, but here is my experience on the latest version of B3 with the two DECU with the EBCAU. Serial # in the 4000...


The GONG sound will start when you reach the first limit I.E. torque 100% or calculated max NG and the computer will start recording either when you exceed the transient limit or 1.5 seconds in the transient limit. The gong will also sound if the collective movement is too abrubt and the computer thinks you will exceed. So its easy if you hear the gong; lower collective and nothing is recorded.


I hope this helps and enjoy the B3 its a great ride!


I will check for your checklist and PM you for your e mail



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funny this should come up as I have been just recently through this. I have noticed that changing the VEMD to show the three limiting factors is the way to go. The Ng is much easier to see as the yellow is much bigger and more acurate than that little yellow on the percent gauge. I found that beep at 8500 feet with 950 kgs on the hook and it ruined my day.. I thought I did it in! If the beep does come it is always the NG limit, I have had the TQ at 96% with the NG at 101 few times but if you just check the collective down a tiny bit, you will save it without loosing the load. I have had that beep a few times and I kick myself every time because I think it is just too close. FADEC is not somthing that is good to play around at near 101......Ng as it will exceed. It's not like a Jet ranger and the needle radles around at 100, if you go .01 over you exceed, I find I am just not going that close to the line anymore, it's just not worth it. That gong has saved me from exceeding a few times!..back on the B3 tommorow! 180 gals at 6500 feet in bad wind no prob!!!!

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Guest Bullet Remington


C :shock: :punk: :up: HEERS



Nope!! Nothing there!! That's a domainn hosting site! No FM there either!!


Bogus site??

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