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Quick Question


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Just wondering if anybody has ever flown with the lateral friction 'on' in a 300... not much friction, but just enough so that you can hold the cyclic with your knees while on straight and level cruise without any going off course. I was thinking it might be helpful for writing stuff down because I am bad at writing with my left hand. Any thoughts?

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The trick I use, is to friction up the collective enough to keep it, then let go of it and fly with the left, writing with the right. then you do not have to have any friction on the cyclic.


If You use cyclic friction, you tend to burn the trim motors faster, since they have to fight friction too.




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I think you'd better get used to writing with your left hand or get used to holding the cyclic with the left hand. In the Astar I can hold the cyclic between my knees a few seconds when I need to unfold a map or something, but I'd never put the friction on. That's just looking for trouble... :mellow:

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Alright, yeah... I just thought holding the cyclic with your left is bad. Do you know if on the transport canada flight test you can do that? Or is that an immediate fail for unsafe flying?!



in my training i was taught to hold the cyclic with my knees to figure out my diversion for TC if the examiner is nice he will hold the stick for you on the diversion.

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Depending on the length of your leg, pressing your left leg/knee up against the side of the collective (assuming you can reach it without taking your foot off the pedal) can help hold it in place so you take your left hand off to fly or flick switches.

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Well, I will have to practice left hand hovering then..


WHY would you want to hover with your left hand on the cyclic, and presumably with no hand on the collective???


The place for swapping hands is plenty high to avoid running into things. Don't be trying any quick hand swaps close to the ground or in the hover. If you have to do that, then land first.


No use learning to write like that just so you can write up an incident report... :shock:

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