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Fun in Capore

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Hey Rotorhead, I tried to reply via PM but the search function couldn''t find you.


Sounds like you''re having fun, last tour I was on I spent a week within a stones throw of a can!


Not much new here, flying has really picked up and the fog''s been thick.


Reply to this and I''ll be able to PM you with more.


Perhaps you could pick up a hammock like Mike''s for me???????

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Hey Dude,


Yes I am having the same first week like you had. As for the hammocks, the quality has gone down and the price has sky rocketted since the gringos came to town eighteen months ago.


We took a walk into Capure yesterday and sat on the pier watching the kids swimming in the Orinoco. Capure is in one of the dozens of fingers of the river delta. The village is composed of 30 homes and 300 people. Across the river is Pedernales, a much larger but isolated town, more likely to be on your atlas.


Fly safe up there. I''ll bring pictures, emailing them is not an option from here.





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