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Class B Vfr Areas In Canada

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Found this on the Gov. site

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Class B Locations


The good news for VFR pilots who don't like working with ATC is that there isn't a lot of Class B airspace in Canada where one would want to fly. Class B airspace in Canada is defined in the Designated Airspace Handbook (DAH) as all controlled low level airspace above 12,500 up to (but not including) 18,000 ASL. Where an airway has an MEA that is higher than 12,500, the MEA on that airway is considered the base of Class B airspace. Note also that with 18,000 being the transition level between altimeter setting region and standard pressure region, 18,000 becomes FL180, which means it is officially high level airspace, and is included in Class A airspace.

Class B Airspace

Class B airspace is generally the airspace from the surface to 10,000 feet MSL surrounding the nation’s busiest airports. The

configuration of Class B airspace is individually tailored to the needs of a particular area and consists of a surface area and two or more

layers. Some Class B airspace resembles an upside-down wedding cake. At least a private pilot certificate is required to operate in

Class B airspace; however, there is an exception to this requirement. Student pilots or recreational pilots seeking private pilot

certification may operate in the airspace and land at other than specified primary airports within the airspace if they have received

training and had their logbook endorsed by a certified flight instructor in accordance with 14 CFR part 61.

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