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Wanted , Human Factors

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I'm just wondering if Anyone knows of a human factors coure that is scheduled in the near future, preferably in the far western Canada area. I missed out on the company course do to being overseas. BCIT's next course isn't till the 15 of may, and I kinda have been demoted to apprentice status.

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Yeah, well, Fred Savage liked it, and he should have put me on the "approved list" by now!


OK, maybe I will set one up in May in Calgary - I've got to go up to Whitecourt as well around then, so maybe the location could shift - it will be a PDM course covering all the stuff that TC want covered, but specifically aiming for what working pilots need to think about - any suggestions will also be incorporated - it's very much a discussion-based thing. Rates would be the same as Transport charged - $100 per day per person. Early May is best for me, but my time is flexible



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