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Life Insurance In Afganastan

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How big is the life insurance Rider for working in Afghanistan? I know mine is quite high here in Canada but in a war zone what is their policy or has anybody asked. Just a thought.

The life insurance is 0 dollars and 0 cents cause you cant get it. The U.S. army people have a disability program and Canadian subsidises a disability/life group insurance as well. don't know how hard or convoluted it would be for your wife or beneficiary to collect, hopefully dont have to find out.

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Any and all life insurance policies I have looked at as a PIC have made me declare that if I am working in a designated war zone...there was nothing for my wife or child...period. I recieved great coverage under her employment as a nurse (350 000 for me, 250 000 for her) even when flying as a Commercial Pilot. I did have to provide proof that I flew "Unscheduled" vs "Scheduled" which I found weird...but given that my ops manual at the time said I worked under a "self dispatch system" I was covered. But again...if I entered a war zone, whether "Declared" or "UNDECLARED" (ie there are people shooting at you) I was not covered.


I have looked at a number of other policies over the last couple of years and dollar for dollar that was the best...heck I even went so far as to look the underwriter in the eye and said "what's stopping me from flying into a mountain on purpose?"... his answer was "nothing, welcome to government union coveragage...but if you go to Afganistan you are not covered".


My mortgage wouldn't cover it, my wifes tax supported benifit package wouldn't cover it and I couldn't find a broker that would look me in the eye when proposing it.


There may be a few in this forum that have it while working there though. I know rotorboy is there. Maybe PM him and find out.


Good Luck and Fly Safe

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Someone told me to check with Lloyds.


Lloyd's of London can probably get you coverage for anything. You will probably not like the price. Remember that Lloyd's is not an insurance company more like an insurance market. It's members are bankers, underwriters and rich folk who will take on risk for a price.

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