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Cars Reference Regarding When Flight Attendants Are Required For Helicopter Operations

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Hopefully someone can help! I'm working on the ATPL-H exams (Canada) and am trying to fing a CARS reference for when a flight attendant is required to be carried on heli ops. After scouring and scouring the best I found was in reference to airlines/aeroplanes (705).


If anyone can help (soon!) I would be most greatful!





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a helicopter that has a seating configuration, excluding pilot seats, of 20 or more; or



Flight Attendant Requirements


705.104 (1) Subject to subsection (3), no air operator shall operate an aircraft with passengers on board unless the crew includes at least the following number of flight attendants:


(a) 1 to 40 passengers on board, one attendant;


(B) 41 to 80 passengers on board, two attendants; and


© 81 or more passengers on board, one attendant for each unit of 40 passengers or portion thereof.

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Hi Ray,

Thank you for that... I had the 705 reference - I was trying to chase down a CARS reference because the book I'm using (Canadian Helicopter Pilot - Practice Exams - CPL-H/ATPL-H) claims that 18 pax seating requires a flight attendant. If that 705 is the only valid reference I'll add the question to the list of snags for Phil Croucher. As outdated as this book is, it seems to be the only Canadian one specific to helicopters and it would be nice if he would update it!





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Once you add the 20th seat the helicopter becomes 705 and has to play by airline rules. The CAR that he posted is the only one you need.


You can get an exemption to run a heli with 20+ seats under 704 rather than 705 from Transport, but they will still make you carry an FA.

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